By the by, typing this whole thing with my iPhone. Yay technology!
I was commanded to produce a 10 bullet-point list of my life to date since my last entry. So, without further adieu:
1. Jenny and I have been together for a little over a year now and it's been pretty friggin sweet. Except when she commands I update this thing. Then she's just tolerable. All in all, however, I have no complaints.
Also: I got her a Bumblebee transformers toy and she absolutely loves it. And a Spider-Man coloring book, which she has been rapidly coloring. And she wants to eventually make me a Spider-Man costume.
I love this woman so goddamn much.
2. I've also been working at my current job for a little over a year now and it's going much better than it once was. What's my job, you ask? I CAN'T TELL YOU. That's actually a lie, I can. I just choose not to publicize as much as I once did.
What I can tell you is that I am a superhero.
3. Videogames are most excellent. I beleve since my last entry I have picked up a total of seven games- (chronologically) Left 4 Dead, Halo: ODST, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Assassin's Creed, and finally Bioshock 2. I love all of them, though I really need to play more of AC and start playing B2. MW2 is so damn addictive though! Prestiged level 70, bitches.
4. Went as Snake-Eyes for Halloween this past year. And looked pretty damn kickass, too, thanks to my wicked cool Jenny who made the entire costume for me herself. She went as Scarlett which proved much easier for her.
5. I made a secret (not so much now) resolution to myself to do a few things:
-Stop procrastinating so much/getting distracted so easily so that I can stop being late to things
-Devote more time to improving my musical ability- learning an instrument (either guitar or harmonica or both, improving my vocals, and writing more and better lyrics. Even if I never get into another band, I will at least have actually put in the effort.
-Work out even more and get into ridiculously good shape. I'm in no way unhappy with where I am now, but I could definitely be better. And I always want to be the best that I can be
-Improve myself all-around. I want to relearn my Spanish (since I used to be nigh-fluent) and just plain learn how to do a variety of things.
6. In August for her birthday, I surprised Jenny a trip to Myrtle Beach, which was most excellent. The best part? TIGERS.
We got to hold and pet tiger cubs and tiger tweens. If you know me at all, you'll know that I love tigers as they are my favorite animal. So, needless to say, I was pretty excited.
7. Also went to Philadelphia to see one of my most awesomest friends SARAH ALBRIGHT. Imagine an echo there, makes it more grand. But seriously, it was mucho fun-o. In addition to seeing her, I got to run up the Rocky steps, which might have been the real reason I went to Philly in the first place (kidding, Sarebear).
And...I'm blanking on the last three points of my life. Perhaps I will make this a two-part endeavor!
Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion in "Zach's Got A Brand New Bag", or "Go Zach Racer Go"!
Same Bat time, same Bat channel.
Expect a "Previously, on X-Men" joke upon my return.
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