
Oct 24, 2008 10:37


He is indeed here, then. Lelouch vi Britannia- And if the others are to believed, and I trust the Knight of Three, of them, but not the Black Knights, no, and not the Chinese Federation. But he says Lelouch vi Britannia is- was Zero. That he now claims to be Emperor of our nation? Foolish boy-

I will not stand for this.


[Private to Cornelia]

Now that both Princess Euphemia and Prince Schneizel are no longer present in this hellish place, you are the rightful ruler present from Britannia. As always, I follow you in all tihngs, Princess.

Now that you have secured a non-aggression pact with those... people, what do you plan to do? Is the Knightmare Frame development moving?

[/Private to Cornelia]

[Private to Police Dept.]

Now that I have sent the... references. I trust we can see about proceeding?

[/Private to Police Dept.]

Now that all of that is done with.

Let us return to what passes for normalcy here.
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