An Update...

Jul 20, 2006 18:51

Well, there's been a LOT going on here lately. I'll try to condense it though...

The toilet in Ma's bathroom overflowed at some point last week. Dates are now hazy. It was on my day off, so I think it was ... I don't recall anymore. Anyways. I ended up having to pull the carpet up out of there. There's still one large piece of furniture in there that has to be moved, so that will be fun.

The floor in there has water damage from leaks in the wall. Aparently my shower's leaking water and that has to be sealed with silicone caulking. That should be done in the next couple of days. Contractors will not even give an estimate with the water still leaking. Yeah.

My toilet has been having problems, and has started leaking again. The problems began when Tuckey decided that he was going to replace the float in the tank. It's never really worked right since then.

There's a leak under the kitchen sink. I'm not sure what or where. Ma called a plumber to come out and look at it, but has never returned her call.

The ants are taking over the kitchen. Ma won't call an exterminator because she says that all we have to do is fog the crawl space under the house. The last time an exterminator came out, he said that it was the largest colony of colony ants he'd ever seen. Fun.

History. Ma had her right hip replaced in either 91, or 92(I think it's later than that, but I don't know). She had her left hip replaced in 05. I had to take care of her the first time since Tuckey was in college in Knoxville. A lot of that I blocked out. It wasn't as bad the last time, but still.

Ma's been having a lot of pain in her right leg for a while now. Then, last Thursday, I had to take Ma to the doctor (sorry, it's frustrating to loose a day off like this, and yes that's selfish, but oh well.), take her to another doctor for an x-ray, and then to pick up meds.

Her right hip socket has slipped about an inch out of place. There are only three doctors in the area that will work on a hip that has already been replaced. After all the changes in TennCare, Ma no longer has any insurance at all. She's been seeing the people at the Department of Health trying to get something worked out.

Ma can't drive anymore. So any appointments she has she has to be driven to. Thankfully, I work at a job with lax scheduling. She's talking to Tuckey now about all the things that have to be done in her bathroom before her floor gets done, and how to arrange the room so that it will be walker accesible, and so that when it comes to it after surgery and all.

Aparently, Tuckey, Sean and I will be the ones to rip up the particle board in her bathroom. That's always fun. We had to do that before in the water closet when the water heater had been leaking for a month.

Let's see... the drama with Tuckey, Sean and Angie has died down a bit. There's still tension, and I'm really not trying to keep up with what's going on.

Work sucks at this point, because Tuckey can't get his ass out of bed to get to work on time. So I'm pretty much covering his ass all the time at work right now. Doing the job of assistant manager, and not getting paid anywhere close to what the A.M. normally gets.

I did find out ... only now ... that I can get insurance. I've been getting 30 hours a week for the past two months. Well, at least until Tuckey started making the schedule and cut my hours back. Anyways... hopefully I'll have insurance starting next month. Yeah! So maybe I can get my back fixed.

There's still more, but that's going to be it for now. I've been sick most of the day and haven't gotten anything done at all. So the kitchen still needs to get cleaned, since no one else cleans it. Laundry needs to get done at least in the next day or two. *sigh* At least I'm off on Saturday.

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