Rearranging and NaNoWriMo

Nov 02, 2009 02:32

It's been forever since I put anything up here. Only just having the desire to write anything at all come back to me.

I've decided to move the majority of my fiction work over to a new blog. It's going to be just fiction, no journaling, or anything like that. If you're interested, fell free to check it out: Beginnings & Endings. (I don't know why the formatting has been removed on the most recent entry. I'll have to correct that soon.) Currently, the only things posted are things you've probably seen here at some point in time. That will change soon enough, though.

I'm also participating in National Novel Writing Month (I really hope that link works.) It seems a bit daunting right now, I mean 50,000 words sounds like quite a bit. I'd encourage anyone who likes to write to try it out.

The (possibly 13th) Annual Martin Samhain Bonfire went better than expected. It rained in the morning for quite a bit. Then it stopped for a while to let the trick-or-treaters make their runs. Then the rain came back with a vengeance. We had hoped to have an early start to the fire, but the weather didn't cooperate until around 2AM.

I didn't really know for sure what my costume was going to be until I actually put it on. I think I finally decided that I was a Victorian Ghost Hunter. I even built my own (somewhat) working Ectoplasmic Manifestation & Fluctuation Detector, out of a couple of vintage-y lamps. It looks pretty cool, and the fact that I built it in about three hours, and it worked (meaning the light I rigged up in it actually lit up and was hooked to a switch) was really cool.

I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can. I didn't take any pictures of the fire this year, or any photos on Hallowe'en at all for that manner. I hope that Tuckey got some good shots, though. At one point the fire was taller than a two story building. Awesome!

I did put up some photos from Devil's Night/Day over on Facebook, and I'll get them up to Deviant Art tomorrow, hopefully.

So, I guess that's it for now. Hope everyone's doing well.

Oh, also, about the fiction and NaNoWriMo, I'm not going to be posting any of it over on the WordPress blog, but you should be able to see parts of it here as it develops. Still wondering who these people are. I've only met one of them before. Going to be interesting to see how this goes.


bonfire, photography, writing, beginnings & endings, steampunk, wordpress blog, hallowe'en

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