Omnia Illa Et Ante Fiebant

Mar 08, 2009 15:07

(Does anyone know the rules of capitalization for Latin?)

So, another odd thing has happened today. I'm sure there's a simple explanation for it, but I haven't done the digging yet.

As I was in bed this morning/early afternoon, I was listening to the local NPR station (I originally had thought that listening to the news at six in the morning would help me get up sooner, but no luck so far), and had made it to Car Talk, completely missing The Splendid Table (is that the name?), and that's when it happened.

So far, I knew that only one clock had been adjusted for DST. I had hoped that my alarm clock in my bedroom would automatically fix itself (it does synch up with an atomic clock somewhere), so at this point, I was unsure of the actual time. As I'm dozing in and out of sleep, I don't really recognize any of what I'm hearing on this episode of Car Talk. After Guenn decides that my side is the perfect place to perch, I'm fully awake and aware of what's going on.

One caller rolls by and I don't recognize the scenario. Another caller and the same thing. However, near the end of the show, a caller by the name of Leah makes an appearance. The hosts sounded overjoyed to hear from her, and referenced an earlier call she had made some months ago. I'm still not recognizing the call, but something in the back of my head reminds me that it would be cool if so-and-so called in again. I don't remember the details of so-and-so, but there have been a few times that I've heard a previous caller call back and explain how things had gone since their initial call.

About half-way through the call, Leah mentions something about the East Coast Mentality versus the West Coast Mentality. Where that on the East Coast (at least up north where all the good schools are at) we're steeped in tradition of 100 plus years, whereas on the West Coast, they're much more open to new ideas.

Stunned, I listened more to the conversation. All the way down to her father calling the local (to Boston) bartenders surly, I had heard this before.

I know that they will replay episodes of shows like this, and I've heard my fair share of them. Granted, they will normally mention at the beginning and during any breaks in the show that it is a repeat. No mention was made of such programming. Granted, it still could have been a repeat, I just find it odd that none of the other callers rang a bell.

So, at some point today, when we've all already lost an hour of our lives (at least until the Fall), I will look to see if today's show was actually a repeat. You never know, though, maybe I had already heard it on March 8th, 2008, and dreamembered it earlier on.

Thought I would share and at least leave myself a note to remind me that I will have already passed this way a week ago.


Omnia illa et ante fiebant
Omnia illa et rursus fient

npr, oddity, car talk, deja vu, east coat mentality

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