Day 006

Mar 12, 2008 12:46

Just for you, Kat. You asked for more of a continuation from Day 005, so here you go. However, it will probably bring up more questions than it answers.

Actually, after looking at it, today's entry will come first, followed by some explanation.

Day 006

By the time Vahn cass Tork had joined Jase from inside the Ingate, the riders were just making the clearing around the Academy grounds. The rain had lessened slightly, and thought he could now see the banner the second rider carried.

“Any idea do you have who they be, Jase?” Jase still found Vahn’s speech hard to understand. Midani was not Vahn’s native tongue, and he seemed to struggle still with the proper ordering of words. Jase had only the most basic of training in Marek-Dan, the language of the Bochn’da, and that only because of the rather large dwarven population in Mosheim.

“Not too sure, yet, Vahn. From what I’ve been able to make out of the banner, I’d wager a trien that they’re from Lummen’n, but by Hern’s Bow, I haven’t any idea what would bring them this far north.”

Vahn sniffed at the idea, to show his disbelief. “That’s a bet I do be taking with -“ His words died in his throat, and his mouth gaped as the wind caught the banner again. The Bochn’da’s eyes seemed to glow red in the pupil, from where Jase stood. Preferring to spend their lives under the earth, it was said dwarves could see as well in the pitch black of a mine as a man could in a field under a full moon. “That do be the banner of House Tull,” he said stunned.

“What? Are you sure?”

“As sure as I know my own mother. Seven stars of silver upon a green field, it do be.”

“An emissary from Lord Senneth, then? I wonder what brings them to Mercersberg? A good thing that Pitur is getting Master Nikolai, then.”

“Better to be getting Dvorian Mercer himself, by the way I see.”

The two riders were close enough now for Jase to make out the banner for himself. It was just as the dwarf had said; seven silver stars on a field of green, the crest of House Tull. Jase had never seen Lord Senneth Tull before, and highly doubted that either of the riders he saw would be him. The Lord of the Marches would never ride with just one escort. It can’t be him. Letting fancies take me, thinking of Lords and such.

The standard bearer wore a black tabard with silver vines embroidered up both arms, and a silver falcon in flight across his chest. The black head wrap he wore marked him as a Silver Falcon as surely as did the rest of his garb. The other rider’s gray cloak hung heavily off his shoulders, the thick wool soaked through with rain. As the wind gusted, it pulled the cloak to one side, revealing the silver pin he wore on the breast of his plain woolen shirt; a pin Jase expected to see, after the cloak. The Crescent Star of the Warlockes.

If that weren’t plain enough to mark the rider of the Cloth, the weapon at his side certainly did. A m’sh’kln [or what about hurnblade? -ed.] hung at his waist. Made from part of an antler from a stag, the three pointed weapon was nearly three hands long, and was the weapon of choice for all Warlockes.

With the riders no more than half a cantern from the Academy walls, Jase was relieved to hear voices from beyond the Ingate. Master Nikolai was surely chastising Pitur for rousing him at such a late hour, but Jase was confident it would be made better once he saw the visitors.

It had been months since anyone had visited Mercersburg Academy from further away than Mosheim, and then only traders bringing furs and timber. Possibly years since anyone outside of March Trendale had made their way this far north. And now, three visitors from far away in as many days? It made Jase’s head spin.

“What is the meaning of this? Footman Williams, I was told that -,” Master Nikolai’s voice faltered as he saw the riders, and the banner as they rode to the Ingate. Master Nikolai ran a hand through his thinning hair, and hastily stuffed his shirt into his breeches in an effort to look as if he had not been just pulled out of bed.

He placed three fingers to his forehead and bowed to one knee. “Attuh,” his hand moved to his right hip. “Teruh,” then to his left shoulder. “Intuh-dosh.” From there, across to his right shoulder, “Istul.” Down to his left hip, “Bezell.” And finally back to his forehead, “Katnyar-bya.”

“So say we all.” replied the lead rider, the Warlocke. “Rise Brother. While it is good to see the Ways still kept here, I have urgent need and need speak to the Dvorian at once.”

Master Nikolai rose quickly, and held the Ingate open even wider. “Of course, of course. Right away, Brother.”

* * *

Some of the names of items, and some of the phrases used are not correct at all. Please keep in mind all this has been was simply to get back into the habit of writing something every day. Day 005 came across, to me at least, as being rushed. I had to come up with names for things that I didn't have, yet. I just threw it together and went on. A rough sketch, if you will. Well, I put a bit more thought into it today, and because of that I spent about an hour and a half in the writing.

I still feel that some of the names and smaller details are wrong, but that will have to wait. For now, here's a list of some things that will hopefully help you to understand what you're reading. One not on the pronunciation guide, if it looks like a word in English, that's how it's meant to be said. Example: Eiffel (as in the tower) would look like this EYE-full. That's just the way I do things.

Trainees - there will be a ranking system in place for the Warlockes and any other military group. Trainees was used to save time.

Warlockes - The Warlockes are a religious sect that follow the teachings of Hern and Dianah. In the Seven Marches of Kintail (where our story is taking place), they have the authority much like a police officer. There are three branches of Warlockes, each dependent upon their teachings, and each designated by the cloak that they are awarded upon becoming full members (white, grey, and black). Most people who are not overly familiar withe teachings of the Warlockes have taken to calling any Warlocke, regardless of the color of the cloak, "Cloakes".

manta (MAN-tuh) - a brown hoodless cloak or cape that Trainees wear to mark them as such.

Kaydonite (KAY-dun-Eyet) - A follower of the god Kaydon.

Angston (AANG-stun) - A country to the west of the Seven Marches of Kintail. Sometimes referred to as the Golden Angstonian Empire, at one point the Emperor claimed most of the land of the continent, Maldune (mal-DUNE).

cantern (CAN-turn) - A unit of measurement used in the countries of Kintail and Angston. A cantern is roughly a bit longer than a mile.

mallorn (MAL-orn) - A type of large evergreen tree found in the east. Their leaves turn almost silver in the fall and winter, and their trunks so huge that ten men with arms outstretched cab barely circle them.

Vahn cass Tork (VAWEN KAS TORK) - A Bochn'da dwarf attending Mercersberg Academy.

Midani (mid-AWN-ee) - The language spoken in the Seven Marches of Kintail. It is very similar to Anglese (ain-GLEEZ), the national language of Angston.

Marek-Dan (MARR-ick DAN) - Literally, 'stone speak'. The language spoken by all dwarves.

Bochn'da (bawk-NEED-uh) - The most common type of dwarf seen in Nakiel. It is said that their hearts are made of stone.

trien (TREEN) - A gold coin used in the Seven Marches of Kintail.

Lummen'n (LOO-men) - The capital of the Seven Marches of Kintail.

Lord Senneth Tull - The current Lord of the March, ruler of the Seven Marches of Kintail. He is also the youngest Lord to date, at only 19 years. His House crest is seven silver stars on a green field.

Mercersberg Academy (MUR-sirs-birg) - A martial training facility located in March Trendale of Kintail. The Academy is responsible for training over half of the Silver Falcons, the primary military force of the country. The Academy also has the second largest Coven House outside of Lummen'n, that trains the Warlockes of Kintail.

Dvorian (duh-VOR-ee-un) - Old Midani word for Master. Used as a title.

m'sh'kln (muh-see-AWE-kiln) - (Old Tongue) lit. 'to take life' The use of this name as a weapon for the Warlockes doesn't really make much sense, hence the reference to possibly calling it a hurnblade instead.

"Attuh, Teruh, intuh-dosh, istul, bezell. Katnyar-bya." (UH-tuh, TEAR-uh, IN-tuh-dawsh, IS-tool, buh-ZEL. KAT-nyar bee-YAW) - Ritualistic greeting used by the Warlockes. Normally spoken to one of much higher station. It is similar to the closing used in some of their religious ceremonies. It carries much weight in its use. Word origin, unknown, but it seems to be a blending of traditional Midani and Old Tongue. Lit. "Father, foundation, power, glory, all-time. We speak all." Or more loosely, "For it is in your kingdom, your power, your glory, forever and ever. So say we all." (And yes, I did rip that from Bible and Battlestar Galactica. *shrug* What can you do?)

So, once again, I give probably more information than is needed. I'm sure the reader can fill in the blanks, but that's just the way I work.


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