Dec 02, 2003 18:41
My dream finished last night.. the one I'd been having for months. It was a sad ending.. I don't know if I've told any of you about it? I don't think so.
The teachers found the goth chick and the black girl drinking vodka in one of the dorms. The goth girl, (Nancy,) ran down the chapel stairs to the little place where the stairs meet at the bottom. She stayed there for a while, rocking back and forth to the music in her head. She could look up and see the light coming from the rooms. Then she heard people looking for her so she tried to hide in the chapel.. she hid behind the cross and the little bookcase. She wondered if she could be converted? If there was still time to be like them? Before she could think of what to do, they came in there so she ran again and found Roxanne, (the black girl,) and they ran up to the top of one of the turrets and hid. They were looking out of the ocean, so fucking harsh and grey.. you know how it is.. The heard Cecile, (little snobby head of year,)'s voice coming up the stairs. There was only one way to get away from them.. into the headmistress' office. They ran in. Roxanne found a place to hide, behind a curtain behing the computer. The teachers came in before Nancy had a chance to hide. They caught them both.
The teachers made all the girls assemble on the balcony. They sat all of Nancy's and Roxannes friends around them. They open two trapdoors infront of the two girls seats and they were pushed into them, with the cords around their necks. They drowned before their necks broke. The pushed them into the cold ocean to freeze to death and to drown. For drinking.
I woke up in tears. I loved Nancy.