1) Human Evolution and Ecology is now being taught online. Fuck you, University of Florida. I hate your online classes. Please be better than Microeconomics. Please.
2) Textbook costs are painful. Fuck you, academia, and Bright Futures, for not even covering all of my tuition. 100% is not 100%, and you are assholes for not delivering what you promise. I said this last semester. I say it again this semester. Fuck you.
3) I wrote fanfic for the first time in, as I put it to Numi, a "blue moon's fart." No, I do not know what this means. It is located
here, if you are interested. Byakuran/Mukuro. No sex. Sorry.
4) I SO BADLY WANT TO START WRITING FANFIC AGAIN. I have all this headcanon for Spanner, as I came to understand when I threaded with Terry the other day and Kovacs asked about his parents and his childhood. I have a lot of material for fanfic by now, after playing him for...ten months? Ten months, at least.
myreasoninlife , the first part of your birthday story is finished. It's called
Blackbird, and I am experimenting with structure, so please bear with me on that. I've never tried writing a story this way before. I anticipated there being two more installments of ten parts each, but I don't really know what will come of it.
6) Pretty much everyone I promised a gummy bear on a stick should expect that I will be writing them fic for Christmas. Belated, obviously- there are a lot of you. List includes:
hamburger houndartemis terpzilla numisma parthian_shot nata_de_coco And probably a bunch of people I am leaving off this list because I can never remember how to spell your journal names. Like Kano.
7) Kano I will come to Canada to sit on you if you do not post soon with Shouichi.
Also are you feeling any better? You have not been on AIM for me to ask and I hope you are doing okay :( I remember getting wisdom teeth out and it sucked.
...Never mind about clicking Squibies. Apparently the website does not want to work.