These boots were made for walkin'.

Dec 12, 2006 01:38

I'm a putz. I've been frustrated and depressed. I'm disappointed by how good life didn't get after getting a job and getting out of Littleton. I can barely look for my own place because of my unreasonable work schedule. A little old lady thought I was parked in the wrong place a week and a half ago, so she hit me and bent my strut and $3K of body damage.
I haven't prioritized keeping up with everyone online, and I regret it.

So, I started the day by organizing files and uploading what I'd need for my portfolio if I were to be leaving work on short notice. 50/50 on whether it would have been their decision or mine.

Kathy then told me that we were scheduled to be scolded sometime that morning.

I won't go on with a lengthy description of everything the past few months have been. I'll summarize, starting with that JM, the only boss I've ever liked, no, loved, left 2 months into my employment. That, and his last week being a 55 hr week for me, having cancelled year-long plans I'd had for Halloween weekend so I could work... was the start of the steadily-declining rollercoaster that is my job.

Well, the scold never happened. I'm figuring that it was because, today, it became quite obvious that what Kathy and I were to be scolded for not doing on Friday, was entirely unnecessary and in no way hindered or harmed the company or our relations with any clients.

Needless to say, my 6 month review in about 2 more months is going to be a very serious discussion.

My first job right out of college was hell. This one particularly bad day, I had to lay it out for my boss. I told him what I wanted, I told him what I wasn't going to do, and I told him what I wasn't going to put up with. He let me go the next day, and he was taken aback when I thanked him.
I don't want to be anywhere I'm miserable.

So, that's what my review is gonna be. Me telling them what I expect of them. If they can't comply, if they want me to stay, that they'd better up the # from what they were planning on my next paycheck. I'm not trying to be belidgerent, but if they're going to burn me out quickly, I might as well move on to somewhere else before my soul dies and I have to move on, anyways.

I wish the whole world could just be honest and straight-forward. I don't like that I've landed in a career of face-payers.

Other than that... positives:

Turns out I'm a prodigy. Just before JM left, he and Deb, the senior project manager, told me that I was performing far above expectations.
A couple weeks later, Deb told me that I was what she'd expect of a designer with 10 years of experience, both in talent and self-management.

We took on a Hewlett-Packard/Microsoft conference on short notice. Deb said the HP exec in charge was the most pleased she's ever seen with our work. She said she was very disappointed to not get to meet me in Las Vegas. She was so thrilled with what I did, she sent me a video iPod and speaker system.
4 other companies/clients saw what I did and asked us to do their conferences. We accepted 3 brand new clients, because of my work.

I'm... sort of dating, even. Dinner last week. Coffee this Sunday which lead to a probable dinner later this week.
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