(no subject)

May 27, 2009 01:49

Well, it's been a good summer so far.  April was unsurprisingly up and down: Sakura-Con rocked, exams sucked, Whistler rocked.  Being free from school has also rocked.  My mum, my sister and I went over to Toronto recently for my grandfather's 80th birthday which was really nice.  We also got to hit up Niagara Falls and Wonderland.  I've been research assisting at the university which is cool.

I think this is going to be a pretty succinct post as the majority of May has been spent recovering from exams by means of the internet (Oh precious waster of time, how I missed thee!), sleeping in till the evening (Mmmmm...), catching up on my tv shows(GJ House!), catching quite a few theatre movie releases (Yeah, Star Trek!), and finally getting some quality reading done (Uglies!).  I've also managed to become nerdier by learning how to play Magic; consumed very little food that was not some form of processed sugar; succesfully avoided excersize; and aquired an odd tan line on my back while enjoing the wonderful sun.

So maybe June will be the healthy, progressive month after this 'let it all go' phase.

To summarise:  I love sleep.  And the internet.  And as my lease on both is up in three months, I am taking full advantage of them.

Now I'm going to bed.
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