FF Blog Crew

Jul 30, 2006 18:28

This Blog Crew stretches from FF7 to FFX-2

Welcome to the Final Fantasy Blog Crew! This works like a claiming community - all you have to do is comment here with the name of the character you want and I'll add your name to the list. Then you just put a link in your profile. Simple no =3? But there are some rules -

- A claim can't be shared (only one person can claim a character)

- You can choose anyone! Just because I may have not added a character to the list doesn't mean you can't claim them (don't be surprised if I forget a villain XP) When you comment I'll add them.

- Due to all the spin offs of FFVII, I just compiled them into one category (FF7 XD) But you may claim certain versions of that character but they must be different (personality wise) from an individual game. For example, Vincent. He was a different man when he was a Turk so one person can claim Vincent but another can claim Turk Vincent. But you can't do that for most characters unless you can really convince me (which probably won't happen XP)

- The above is also for FFX and FFX-2.

- You may claim up to four characters but they must be from different games. This way everyone has a chance of getting their favorite character =3 (In case anyone's wondering, I get exceptions X3)

- Anyone can join!


[x] Cloud Strife
[x] Aeris Gainsborough
[x] Tifa Lockhart
[x] Cid Highwind
[x] Yuffie Kisagari
[x] Nanaki (Red XIII)
[x] Vincent Valentine
[x] Lucrecia Crescent
[x] Rufus Shinra
[x] Tseng
[x] Reno
[x] Rude
[x] Elena
[x] Zack
[x] Kadaj


[x] Squall Leonhart
[x] Rinoa Heartilly
[x] Seifer Almassy
[x] Quistis Trepe
[x] Zell Dincht
[x] Selphie Tilmitt
[x] Irvine Kinneas
[x] Laguna Loire
[x] Ellone


[x] Zidane Tribal
[x] Garnet Til Alexandors 17th (Dagger)
[x] Vivi Ornitier
[x] Freya Crescent
[x] Eiko Carol
[x] Amarant Salamander Coral
[x] Beatrix


[x] Tidus
[x] Yuna
[x] Rikku
[x] Auron
[x] Lulu
[x] Wakka
[x] Jecht


[x] Yuna
[x] Rikku
[x] Paine
[x] Lenne
[x] Shuyin
[x] Gippal
[x] Nooj

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