B A S I C . Q U E S T I O N S
[my name is]: Holly
[height?]: 5'2
[in the morning i am]: getting up for school
[all i need is]: *shrugs*
[falling in love is]: something i have no experienced yet
[if i could see one person right now]: matt ciociola, or kevin just so i could get my deck lol
[the person i see right now]: no one
[i'm afraid of]: things
[i dream about]: a lot of things
H A V E . Y O U . E V E R
[pictured your crush naked?]:no lol
[actually seen your crush naked]: unfortunately no lol
[been in love]: no
[cried when someone died]: no foolin
[lied]: haha too often
W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R
[coke or pepsi]: vanilla coke!! lolol
[flowers or candy]: neither
[tall or short]: in the middle
W I T H . T H E . O P P O S I T E . S E X
[what do you notice first?]: arms.hands.. and other stuff i guess
[last person you slow danced with]: matt ciociola
[worst question to ask]: don't know.. lol
[makes you laugh the most?]: ashley and sharon
[makes you smile]: everyone mainly, well everyone who is my friend lol
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: haha a funny feeling.. that's funny lol..
[do you have a crush on?]: i have a crush on matt ciociola, baby ;D
[has a crush on you?]: i guess matt ciociola since we are going out, that makes sense, right? lol
[easiest to talk to]: no one anymore... well.. actually.. probably kevin..
D O . Y O U . E V E R
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: um.. not really
[save aol/aim conversations]: no.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: yeup lol
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: yea
H A V E . Y O U . E V E R
[fallen for your best friend]: uh uh
[been rejected?]: si
[rejected someone]: si
[used someone]: umm.. i dont really think so
[been cheated on]: not to my knowledge
[cheated on someone]: no.
[done something you regret]: yep
W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N
[you talked to on the phone]: my cousin ryan or my mom
[hugged]: matt ciociola
[you instant messaged]: amy or ashley
[instant messaged you?]: amy
[you laughed with]: matt
D O . Y O U
[color your hair]: i've highlighted it
[ever get off the computer]: yes
[habla espanol]: nao, eu falo portugues. (but i know a little spanish :D)
D O . Y O U / / A R E . Y O U
[obsessive]: over some things
[could you live without the computer?]: probably not
[how many people are on your buddylist?]: 199
[what's your favorite food?]: nothing really..
[whats your favorite fruit?]: umm.. a few things are
[drink alchohol?]: hey, i would, if it was available
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: hell yes, especially at kellie's old house lolol good times
[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: emotional, cause it doesn't go away as quickly
[trust others way too easily?]: depends.. i think lol i don't know, sure why not