the sad state of the American commode

May 31, 2012 10:23

We recently had our toilet replaced. It was definitely needed. While it was not as old as the house (1937), it was from an era when 'the 38th parallel' only meant something to geographers. So yeah, not the most aesthetically pleasing of all receptacles after that much time *cough*

So now we have a brand new, shiny, perfectly clean toilette, however it doesn't volume business as well as the old one.

Now I'm all for saving the planet and conserving water, but if I have to flush five times to conclude meeting, then I haven't really conserved anything. Turns out I went from a 5 gallon capacity tank to a 1.6 gallon.

No wonder Americans drive into Canada to get larger capacity priveys! Mexico sells them too. Our old toilet was placed near the street for the city's heavy pickup date. It didn't last the night before someone hauled it away. As disgusting as it was, I now know why.
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