Okay, so, I've pretty much spent most of the last month being depressed, and therefore doing not very much of interest. However being a good for nothing layabout for the past few months has given me the chance to spend more time reading the local paper, writing letters to congressmen (and the occasional mayor), and generally trying to be a pain in the ass of the government.
For example, Bush wants to cut funding to Reading is Fundamental, a very successful literacy program. Possibly he is jealous, because
"The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 1999 long-term reading assessment found that reading for fun had a positive relationship to average scores. At all three ages, students who said they read for fun scored higher than peers who said they never read for fun.
* The 10% of 9-year old students who never read for fun could perform at level 150, while students who read for fun monthly or more frequently could perform at level 200.
* The 9% of 13-year-old students who never read for fun could perform at level 200, while students who read for fun yearly or more frequently could perform at level 250.
* The 75% of 17-year-old students who read for fun weekly or less frequently could perform at level 250, while students who read for fun daily could perform at level 300."
I encourage you to check out
Reading is Fundamental and then tell your representatives that if they don't support literacy they are against democracy and the American way. If you don't have as much time on your hands as I do there's a form letter on the website, however I decided to personalize my mail a little bit, leading to this conversation
glasses eater: surprise surprise, Jim Moran supports it, Frank Wolf doesn't
glasses eater: can I threaten him with the fact that he'll be running against someone pro-education in the fall, or is that a little gauche
HaricotDangereux: frank wolf is gauche
glasses eater: ha ha haha
glasses eater: i love you
HaricotDangereux: seriously, the only thing that man understands is whether or not people will vote for him every other fall
glasses eater: so, i may or may not be implying he's a terrorist
glasses eater: so, discovering that whole post news story to facebook thing might be a problem
[HaricotDangereux: what?
glasses eater: also, my profile also says "fuck you, maleocentric maleocracy"
HaricotDangereux: I know! I love it
glasses eater: i have posted 8000 militant leftist stories in the past two days
HaricotDangereux: eh
glasses eater: and i wonder why I have no friends
HaricotDangereux: you have 34 friends
glasses eater: no, i mean in real life, not on the internet
HaricotDangereux: where have you been? that's what counts now
Sean and I are awesomely hilarious, but only to each other.