May 02, 2006 23:56

I recently went on a vacation with some aqqaintances of mine. According to my files we spent a little over 300, 000¥ on coconut oil and non-alcoholic beverages with paper umbrellas in them. Lodging was simply rediculous; almost twice as much as the former per night. Bathing suits..we won't get into that right now. After all, seeing "Dad" in a speedo is simply priceless.

Money makes the world go around..and what comes around goes around. *pushes glasses up on bridge of nose and smirks* What a cliched line, Greeting Card companies shouldn't be allowed to push their Philosophies on people; maybe I should sue Hallmark for slander on behalf of the financial world. ^_^ *laughs quietly*

I have a headache.

[ooc: I was feeling a little bit uncreative and decided to repost repostrepostrepost my app, since I saw the Hikaru roleplayer did it. :0

This song seems like something he would listen to. That or Frank Sinatra. Don't argue with me. :|]
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