dreams (read if you dare)

Jan 19, 2004 22:58

[22:21] Fromage52: Hi.
[22:34] I Am Her Voice: hi
[22:38] I Am Her Voice: i had this dream
[22:38] I Am Her Voice: where i was at my old house up in montecito
[22:38] Fromage52: That I slept with her mom....
[22:39] Fromage52: A secret all along...
[22:39] Fromage52: Oh.
[22:39] I Am Her Voice: and i was on the phone with someone, maybe you
[22:39] I Am Her Voice: and then i saw a rat in the kitchen
[22:39] I Am Her Voice: and it was really cute
[22:39] I Am Her Voice: but it wasn't afraid
[22:39] I Am Her Voice: and it was eating the milk out of my cereal bowl.
[22:40] I Am Her Voice: and i was like tapping Sue on the shoulder to let her know there was a rat so she didn't see it and scream
[22:40] I Am Her Voice: and then i was like Don't KILL IT
[22:40] I Am Her Voice: and so we tried to get it into a plastic trash bag
[22:41] I Am Her Voice: and it climbed in but it got a lot heavier and it tore a little hole in the bottom
[22:41] I Am Her Voice: so i had to hold the bag closed by the top and then i had to hold the bottom closed too
[22:42] I Am Her Voice: and it was squirming a lot, so i took it outside as fast as I could and i chucked the bag as far as i could but it was as big as a fox now
[22:42] I Am Her Voice: and now that i think of it it had a big fox tail that swished wildly as it came for me
[22:42] I Am Her Voice: and i couldn't get inside before it attacked my ankles
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and then it ran inside again and I was screaming KILL IT
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and after a few more tries we finally got it outside
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and i was inside
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and i was about to call you back when i walked into the kitchen to grab the phone
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and there was another little tiny tiny baby rat on the table
[22:43] I Am Her Voice: and i freaked out
[22:44] I Am Her Voice: and then i was somewhere different, and i was a boy who dressed in a blazer and slacks for school and i had a cane
[22:45] I Am Her Voice: and this school had a starway thing, but it was just ramps that spiralled up
[22:45] I Am Her Voice: at the top there was a tree top with conveyor belts on top of the leaves
[22:46] I Am Her Voice: and they went in this weird circle, but they only went one way so if you wanted to go the other way you had to run against it.
[22:46] I Am Her Voice: and one part of the circle of belts was on a really flimsy part of the tree top so when you stepped on it, it sagged and bounced and it was really hard to stay on
[22:47] I Am Her Voice: so me and a bunch of other no good hooligan kids were all sitting on the ramps, and there was an authority figure at the top
[22:47] I Am Her Voice: he was telling us how we were freaks of nature and we didn't belong, and how he should just murder us all to get rid of us and cleanse the gene pool
[22:48] I Am Her Voice: and i was the type to never speak up
[22:48] I Am Her Voice: i was the weirdo
[22:48] I Am Her Voice: but i said i had something to say and they all listened.
[22:48] I Am Her Voice: i layed down head first pointing down the ramps and i started to slide slowly as i talked
[22:49] I Am Her Voice: i spoke really clearly and loudly so everyone could hear about how in history there is always a group of people who are considered the weirdos, the freaks and the monsters
[22:49] I Am Her Voice: but how they are necessary to balance everything else out
[22:50] I Am Her Voice: and i talked about other stuff too but i don't remember exactly what
[22:50] I Am Her Voice: then i started running up the ramps and everyone was chanting Yeah Yeah Yeah
[22:51] I Am Her Voice: and i was talking about how even the PSYCHOPATHIC, QUIET, WEIRDO, WHO EVERYONE THINKS IS JUST A MURDERER AND A SOCIOPATH WHO Doesn't KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, was really just a normal kid who was a little bit smarter than the rest.
[22:52] I Am Her Voice: and when i got to the top i was trying to get a certain way on the conveyor belts, but it was the opposite way that they were going
[22:52] I Am Her Voice: and they were going really really fast
[22:53] I Am Her Voice: and it was really hard, but i got nearer to the autority figure, and then somehow, i don't remember what happened but the tree limbs bounced him off and he died at the bottom
[22:53] I Am Her Voice: then this young kid decided he wanted to walk me home
[22:54] I Am Her Voice: and i was in a self-invented skateboard/car/scooter/airplane, and i was flying down hills to my house with hydrolics, and other stuff and he was following me on his skateboard
[22:54] I Am Her Voice: i was still a boy
[22:55] I Am Her Voice: and i was a lot younger now, like maybe 8 or 9
[22:55] I Am Her Voice: and when i got home i showed the little boy my wonderful inventions, and i told him about science.
[22:55] I Am Her Voice: and we told my mom the story about how i beat the mean man at school
[22:55] I Am Her Voice: and she was very happy and enthusiastic
[22:56] I Am Her Voice: and she said "we have to get rid of these people" very intensely and quietly
[22:56] I Am Her Voice: and so we were trying to think of a plan
[22:56] I Am Her Voice: and i don't remember anything really after that
[22:57] I Am Her Voice: :-I


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