Jun 03, 2006 11:44
HeYA all
Here are some words that I have thus far never been able to say: I like my job. That’s right, I am employed and am enjoying it. I don’t feel like I loose a portion of my soul every time I go into work, and I don’t feel like customers think I am subhuman algae. Microsoft Word wants me to change the phrase “I am subhuman algae” to “I am a subhuman alga”. Alga is a funny word. Now I’m wondering what subhuman algae even would look like, but I think you get the general idea.
Office Max is a great work environment, and I’m learning so much about electronics as well. My supervisors are impressed with me because I was cashiering by myself on my first day at register with no problems. To them I say: You’ve never seen a Whataburger or Popeye’s register, have you. SO MANY BUTTONS AND NOW ALL I HAVE TO DO IS SCAN THIS STUFF NOW AND THAT’S PRETTY MUCH IT? Guh. I’m so thrilled to work in retail.
Plus, there are opportunities to get bonuses as well. Office Max offers this insurance plan on electronics, computers and furniture, which is a hard sell to customers. Anytime I can actually get them to buy it though, I make ten percent commission on the value of the insurance plan they buy. Most of the time this isn’t much, seeing as many of the insurance plans are less that six dollars, but if you can bring home a few of the bigger plans coming in around 150-200 - well, it’s not a bad bonus. Stupid Whataburger never even gave its employees the opportunity to make a little more.
Anywho, these insurance plans are called MaxAssurance, and anytime you can actually sell one, the managers announce it over the radio system we’re all on and co-workers give you high fives and stuff. I sold two of the smaller MaxAssurances yesterday and the store manager Darrell even gave me a pat on the back and a “good job, Liz!” I felt so cool. Yeah, I’m a big dork. But at least I like my job. Darrell’s last name is Kuykendall. Try saying it; it’s fun.
Right now I’m just a cashier, but in a few weeks they’re going to start putting me out on the floor and make me into a sales rep. I can’t wait to do that, cuz sales reps are usually the ones who can get customers to buy the big MaxAssurances, plus they learn about EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT IN THE STORE, so my knowledge of electronics and pens and whatnot will increase greatly.
I guess this has just been one long entry about how I am now Office Max’s willing whore, but so be it. This will now be the most suggestive of all transitions, but on a related note, Steve comes back today from Chicago. Haha. He and his folks were helping his sister move into her new apartment, and soon he should be back in San Antone. I can’t wait to see his pictures of the city. University of Chicago was my number one choice for a while. And then I remembered they have real winters there.
Hmm…other stuff…my parents are insane and hate all the carpet in our house. I dunno how many of you all know this, but with the exception of the kitchen, pretty much all the tile in our house was put in by hand. Our hand. Sometimes my hand. Damn I hate putting in tile. Anywho, they finally got around to removing the carpet from our front living room earlier this week and as of right now, we have put in all of the tile. Today we will put in the grout and eventually seal the whole thing. My mom wants to repaint that room though, so the front living room will be out of commission for a while longer. My brother and I have insisted that since we have to endure a house full of tile flooring now, large fluffy rugs will be placed in the front living room once it’s done. I dunno how well that request will go though.
Other stuff, other stuff…UTSA classes start Monday, and that is definitely a bummer. I am reading Les Miserables, and this time am enjoying it. I’m about half way through right now. Almost all of my polo muscles is gone, but I’ll be jumping into UTSA’s pool pretty soon, so hopefully I can work on reversing that sad, sad process of turning into a normal person. Also, I have started taking Bendy pictures. Hurray.
I was unable to save one of the sunflowers, but the other one is growing very nicely. All of this rain has been very good for it.
Well, I’m off to go work on the tile. Some more. Goddamn I hate tile. More than anything. Except shaving and shoes, of course.