I think that if grapefruit were everywhere, then all my dreams would come true. Plus, I kinda just want this semester to end.
I am ready to go home. I am ready to start my weight training program for the summer. I am ready to read a lot, and work on short stories. I am even ready to give in to going back to my shitty job. Again. I just want this semester to go away. And I want to blow my mind playing video games for at least a week. Heck yes.
I see that I haven’t made many updates on this thing in a while. Guess it’s been a strange semester. I learned a lot of life lessons, but I don’t want to talk about it too much, so I’ll just talk about some cool recent stuff.
Friday night I went to see an opera with my team mates Blair and Ashley. It was Mozart’s Don Giovanni and it was amazing. Perhaps even more amazing was that I enjoyed it so much. I don’t think I would have pegged myself an enjoyer of the opera before, but I certainly enjoyed Don Giovanni. It was the Don Juan story (if you are curious), so I was familiar with the plot to some extent, but it blew my mind to see the opera treatment of it. Also, the whole “this thing is in Italian, so there are super titles for you to understand what’s going on” thing didn’t bother me so much. (Super titles are translations of the dialogue that appear on a screen above the stage. It’s okay, I had never heard of them either until that night.)
After the play I sat in my room and made a very poor sketch of a T-Rex head. It wasn’t very good, but I enjoyed the act of sketching it. I then read from One Hundred Years of Solitude for a while, then went to bed. It was a nice night.
Here are some good things going on now:
- I just finished a pint of Banana Split ice cream.
- I go home Saturday.
- I got into a class next semester that will train me to become a sort of T.A. for writing component classes here at UT. It’s not a guaranteed job in the spring, but it’s the closest I’ve come to a job all year and it will just have to do.
- Steve and I finally get to spend a summer in the same town. We’ve been dating for almost three years now and this will be our first summer together. I am reeeeally looking forward to this break. You can catch both of us at UTSA now and then, where we plan to kick a few basics out of the way.
- I wear my suuuunglasses at night so I can so I can LOOK AWESOME.
- The weather is warming up and I have been working on my healthy glow. And by that I mean I am toasting my epidermis on a regular basis. While studying. I’m so cool.
- Goddamn I hate the cold.
- I am going to work out hardcore over the summer. And then I’ll see YOU in the fall, Karin.
- Also, I love Steve and we are happy.
Okay, I have fifty pages of paper due in less than a week, so I will see you all on the other side! I’ll work on a Bendy update at home first chance I get, promise.