Apr 07, 2011 11:51
Yesterday my friend had a doctor's appointment after work so I picked up her kids from school - took them to In N Out for milkshakes to wait until she was done.
I was talking to her son, who will be 7 next month, about the sheep at his school:
Me: So what does the sheep do?
Him: Nothing.
Me: It doesn't go for walks or something?
Him: No.
Me: You can't even go in there and pet it??
Him: No.
Me: Well what do you do with the wool?
Him: Nothing.
Me: They have to do something with the wool.
Him: No. They throw it away.
Me: That's terrible. You could make stuff or sell it or something.
Him: I know. [excitedly] I told them that they should use these needles to poke it and make stuff. Where you take these needles and make shapes out of wool. But they said no.
Me: Needle felting?! You know what needle felting is??
Him: Yes. And you can make things like bunnys!
Me: I do needle felting. I love it! I can totally make bunnies too!
Him: :D
Me: You're my new best friend.
And we talked about removing lanolin and vegetable matter from raw sheeps wool until his mom showed up.
When I told her she gave the response that everyone ever has given me: "Needle felt thing? What? :?"
He's 7! He is the ONLY IRL person I've met that knows what needle-felting is. ALSO, he is the only person to have recognized the Autobot symbol on my key. He immediately asked: "Is this car a Transformer?!" He totally thinks my car is an alien. 8D