
Feb 17, 2007 12:43

yay! new icons! I'm very happy with most of the icons in this batch, so I hope you'll like them also! There's a lot of fandoms in it, and I'll try to icon more in the near future. BTW, animated requests are on their way!

COMMENTS are love (I am a comment whore!)
credit is love too
no hotlinking
blanks aren't bases



01-02 :: Alias
03-15 :: Angel
16-21 :: Bones
22-29 :: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
30-40 :: Doctor Who
41-43 :: Grey's Anatomy
44-48 :: House MD
49-51 :: Lost
52-59 :: Misc (Jared Leto, Dexter, Jessica Alba)
60-72 :: Supernatural
73-76 :: Veronica Mars
+ 3 banners (SMG, Kristen Bell)

















tv: bones, celeb: misc, tv: alias, tv: doctor who, userinfos, celeb: sarah michelle gellar, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: lost, tv: veronica mars, celeb: kristen bell, tv: misc, tv: supernatural, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: angel, maker: organza, tv: house

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