May 27, 2008 06:05
So much has happened and so many things have accumulated, but honestly, above all else, this is because I know it's not where I'm supposed to be anymore. I can't say what's coming or what's going to happen, but I know that this had to go down. God has something in store for all of us.
It's so hard and my heart and mind are racing.. All I can think about is that I wanna come out of this with the same brothers I started it with. Lord, I pray for grace in the situation.
Whatever will be, will be. As hard as it is, I know it's right. I do. Thank You, God, for the strength and will.. there's no way this could've been done without You. Thank You that you know what's best.. and that it always makes sense in the end.. it's so comforting.. as hard as things get..
Grant me tranquility, and grant the same to my friends. Give them hope and understanding.
I hope my friends know how much I Love them, at one point or another.