You know whats really grinding my gears?

Mar 01, 2007 17:13

I've finally found the one group of people that I hate the most in the world.

Those who don't believe that the fluoridation of the water supply is a benificial thing. Some claim it does nothing, others go furthur to claim its a government conspiricy to weaken our will.

I was reminded of these wank stains on the sheet of society on Tuesday, as we listened to 2BL and Richard Glover interviewed Indeera Naidu, who now is a spokesperson for CHOICE, about their reccomendation that flouride be allowed to be added to bottled water (it is currently prohibited by the Food Standandards Australia). On the other side, was one of the fuckards who wasted valuable airtime claiming that it infact had no discernable, and possibly a negative, impact on dental hygine and tooth decay. Ms Naidu shot him the fuck down of course, by using ACTUAL data, and proposing moderate, not compulsory, measures in light of the increase in bottled water only drinking that is increasing in Australia. The Prime Minister, John Howard, has even come out and suggested that parents make their kids drink at least one glass of tap water a day, and CHOICE's arguement that fluoridated bottled water should be allowed is in my mind a great one.

But when it comes to the anti-flouridation lobby, I think those guys are even worse than those who don't want evolution to be taught in schools. STEP OFF, YOU FUCKING METRO-WADS.
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