I really like how she finishes that song with "Meow, meow, meow etc". Its the type of thing that I wished would happen, and it came true, so i cant *not* like it. We tried to go to mini canberra today, but again they borked us around. This time we turned up during lunch hours, only to find that the $50 voucher doesnt work for food. Meaning that between now and the 30th of May, we have a $50 voucher that can only be used all at once, only on alcohol. I'm not even going to bother asking if it can be used at the bottle shop, but if anyone feels like trecking over to Double Bay to get slaughtered, then let me know. So after leaving the leafy autumn mini-canberra carpark behind the Golden Sheaf, Bec and I went to Trinity bar, which is kind of just across the way from her place, and a nice Canberra reference, even though this one is an irish pub, not a swanky bar juxtaposed by a carpark in the inner north of Canberra*.
So tomorrow I plan to watch The Yes Men, that docco about the awesome activists who talk their way into things by agreeing with everyone, and then launching spectacular corporate pranks. Its the type of work I'm after really. That, and be the supervisor that makes more girls end their songs with "meow, meow, meow". I do lead an odd life, but I like to think its a happy one.
Tomorrow, i also have to put the finsihing touches on the mixtape for the mixtape comp (but more importantly, for Natali), and I think one of the songs I got today will be on there. The Yoko Solo remix of Macromantics "Conspiricy" is fire, as is the rest of this young mans work..
I keep getting sidetracked. Nat has warned me not to be grumpy on Sat, but she probably doesnt have to worry. I am doing the thing I do best - going and seeing music in the park
Its funny, for so long I have been relying on others to give me the music ive been listening to, and in one fell swoop, I have found a new dope producer (yoko solo) , on a dope label(quaketrap), that has then just shoved me back towards another bomb label (galapagus) and things are looking bright... lots of rad new music to listen to soon, and a sense of achievement that i dug this stuff out. This is a good thing kids, even if it will send me broker than a mountains back...
*Sorry about the topsy turvy sentence, I was just thinking way too much about how I would have written "Pirates Of The Carribean" if it had been up to me as i was leaving lunch today, and i guess that must have rubben off somewhat