May 18, 2005 16:06
Things are going well at the moment, which scares me. I always question when things will turn to shit once more.
I had a pretty good day, getting out of bed after a fairly hard night... >;) Hehehehehehehehehe... at about 1pm. Then I went down to the grocery store, woooo, and then came back here. It was nice to have the flat to myself, although (with the exception of one), I dig my flatmates.
Then I went to Cuba with Susie and Lana, which was badass. Mmm, the banna smoothie I had was sooooooooo good - way better than the shite kiwifruit one I had the other day.
Hmm. I have to work tomorrow, which I am dreading. I am looking forward to the weekend, I think Susie, Doug, possibly Ros and maybe Lana (?) and Deb and Toby - if they want, are going to Guv's for this badass drum 'n bass gig. It sounds pretty rad, you pay $5 and get a free CD and the first 20 people there get $20 worth of party pills for free. This cool band, Emu, are playing. Have you heard them Susie? I like 'em, they're rad.
I'll wear my new top which arrived at the olds' house yesterday.
Hmm... I feel so jittery and nervous. On edge. Susie and Di, you can probably guess why... Susie, think 'animal', bahahahaha >;)
Oh, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the other day I bought a 'bonkable inflatable sheep' from the R18 store that is just down from my house. It was funny, I wanted to put it on my bed to freak people out, bahaha. I called it 'Shithead', after my real pet sheep. When I was there, the guy was like "these are good, you can't be cruel to animals these days", BAHAHAHAHAHA. He was telling us that he had donkey's and Monkeys too, hehehehe. He commented on my tattoo.
Oh, Susie introduced me to this lovely Japanese grrrl called Hana. She's really nice, I got her email addy so we can go have a coffee. She seems really sweet. She was asking me about my family. Haha, she said something about how she loves the colour of my hair (I dyed it all black), and I said that it's from a bottle. She freaked, saying she couldn't believe that it wasn't my natural colour. And then she said she'd never met anyone who dyed their hair black before, lmao.
Susie and I had lunch with Mark the other day, which was good. He's always interesting to talk to, is Mark.
Anyway, I better reply to my emails then go work on an assignemnt and then go bug Doug, hehe.
See y'all.