Mar 13, 2006 11:09
Today was such a good day, I wish I could do it again.
I woke up on the dot and got out of the room with time to spare for a mocha. The weather was leather jacket worthy, which is just wonderful. Theology seemed to go faster than normal while Contemporary China seemed to last a bit longer. He returned our midterm, on which I got an A when I was sure that I hadn't answered the question on the second essay.
I was feeling especially unburdened when I returned to my dorm and spent an hour cleaning my desk, singing and dancing as I did. I never do that! Well, not usually aloud and with the door open...
I went to Government and enjoyed the rest of my Perfect Day high in the company of my friend. I already knew my midterm grade for that class, which was good. Could have been better but what the hell, good is good. That class was topped off by the correct answering of two questions. West Wing, bitches!
After that, I retired to my room and went online. I was invited to lunch with a couple of friends, which was kind of surprising, what with this isolation thing I've been going through. I stopped off at the boys' house to drop off a bag I was lending. Talked for a bit, then came back.
And now I'm here, with nothing to do except listen to music, read, eat, and sew another patch onto my book bag.
Life is good.
So, conclusions. I'm very mellow right now. It might be the result of a week long vacation. Or it could be the natural product of whatever the hell has been going on with me.
I've been alone a lot lately. Mostly by choice. And despite some doubt, in the end, I think that it was for the best. I don't want to over analyze anything right now but I think that this forced hermitry was for a reason. I'm not sure what but I like the way I feel about, well, everything. School doesn't seem daunting at all. I'm sure that will change once paper deadlines get closer, but for now, it's fine.
I didn't contact a single person when I got back yesterday. And I don't feel bad about that. And I doubt that anyone else does either.
So I guess that I've concluded that I've got nothing to angst over, which is nice because sometimes I over angst and can't stand to think for a few hours.
Now all I have to do is kick this book buying habit. ^_^