Oct 01, 2011 02:54
I skipped the interview for the caseworker position. I woke up and decided that it was too much to go.
But then a few days later, I got invited to do a very intense interview for something I thought I'd had no chance of getting. I have to hold back information now in order to keep as anonymous as possible. Anyway, it was tough, and if I get it, it will be amazing. If not, I basically wasted an entire week preparing for it.
92 two days ago...lowest weight since last spring.
92.4 today. I'm pretty excited that I broke the plateau of 94-97.
But now I'm binging and purging for the second time, which means that my progress will be ruined.
I really hope I get that job, but I don't know if I am even emotionally ready to tackle such a demanding position.
This isn't how I imagined my life as a little girl.