Mar 24, 2009 12:02 there no trust in this world anymore?
esecially when it comes to relationships...
i recently had my friend zach ask me why i haven't been "putting myself on the market" in the year since me and tami (a.k.a the beast who consumed my soul) broke up...and i gave it some serious thought..
you know, on a daily basis, i hear from people who are in "committed" relationships constantly talk about how they are at odds with their partner on issues of trust...the girl can't have any guy friends without the guy saying something back-handed or off-key...or...some other hyphenated euphemism...
or the guy can't have any female friends without the girl doing the same...
i also hear bitching...constantly...about how someone's girl/boyfriend is acting like a jack-hole and they fight blah blah blah... and sometimes i hear about how one of them is relieved, or even worse, HAPPY that their significant other is "out of their hair" when they are away or not hanging with them for a night...
the only conclusion i came to is this:
why would i WANT a relationship when this is all i see? ALL the time?
SOMEONE! restore mt faith in humanity...and relationships! is yours working?...did you find out some sort of magical formula that apparently NO ONE else has found? why can't people just trust each other anymore?
someone help me....i'm confused....
sorry, just had to rant there for a second...a LOT has been happening lately...i'll have to write another update soon about how i was left hanging last week to talk to all of the parolees by myself with no preparation..and about my adventures in hollywood with rachelbee...
fun times, awesome times...hectic times...times i will never makes me happy :-)