Apr 18, 2006 23:40
What is your name?: Andrea
Are you named after anyone?: nt middle name
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: yeah I really dont think anyone..
Your height:: 5'7 1/2
Eye color:: they change,but hazel
Happy with it?: yeah its cool
Hair color:: now? dark brown
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty, some things ambidextrous
Your living arrangement:: living with my roomies in LCN..soon to be home again :(
Addictions?: none.
Do you speak another language?: lil spanish here and there
Do you have a webpage?: myspace,facebook .. thats it lol
What is the compliment you get from most people?: well.. they say im nice, and "perfect girlfriend" (yet im single)..strong and caring..etc
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: something about overcoming dysfunctional family life and harships to become a better person
Can you sing? no, but i do it anyway
What do you like the most about your body?: butt, stomach, shoulders
Do you think you are good looking? i think im alright..
Are you confident?: yeah in most areas
Would or Have You Ever?
Been out of the country?: have been and would love to go back to Mexico
Eaten something that made other people sick?: My friends dont like the look of cottage cheese..
Been in love?: yes..
Slept outdoors?: uh huh
Pulled an all nighter?: oh yeah
Gone one day without food?: try 2 weeks
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yep
Met a famous person?: President count? lol
Been on radio/tv?: Radio 102.5 the day I left for Virginia.
Who is your best friend?: Cheryl, Bekah, Shannon,Cole, Heather... almost everyone from bowling..
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Cole
Last person you talked to online?: Manda
Who do you talk to most online?: Everyone.
Who are you on the phone with most?: Mom lol
Who do you trust most?: eh Manda
Who listens to your problems?: Cole, Manda
Who's the most outgoing?: Hell.. half my friends..Shannon for sure
Who's the best singer?: Bekah
Who's your second family?: lately Jared's trailor, but Cheryl, Piper,..any close friends
Who's the loudest friend?: Shannon
Do you trust others easily?: not anymore
Single or Relationship? relationship
Stay home or go out? Go out
Kiss or hug? gotta love those hugs.. kisses are good too
Cuddle or have sex? cuddle
Coffee or Tea? neither
Skinny or Muscular? muscular but not too much.
Last Time:
You Ate? hour ago..mmmm movie popcorn
You kissed someone? within the week
Told someone you love them? as a friend.. just a lil bit ago to aaron..but to someone i truely loved..back in oct.
Had sex: oh geez..
Got a haircut? exactly one week ago.
Spent money? not a big spender
Laughed hysterically? Drew makes me laugh every day
Cried? tonight
Whats your favorite:
Food? steak
Movie? Four Brothers..Ocean 11/12
Place to go? anywhere but home