This is a .44 calibur love letter straight from my heart

May 02, 2004 22:32

hey, whats good? its been a long time since the last time I've wrote in this piece, so lets go...

well this April break I went to Florida as usual with mama dukes and Carmen and yeah it was really sick weather wise and stuff, but sucked for other reasons, which I wont get into... sigh... so fucked up... but it was nice seeing the grandparents again, so that was the best part of it all...

last weekend, well I dont remember much of it really, except for Saturday nite, so it's me, Dubbs, Lesnoy, Storf, and Smith, and we were suppose to go to Ellinas' party at his place but couldnt find the fucking place so we go to Wendy's and we decide to play fire in the hole on someone, for you who don't understand what that is, you will in a second... so yeah we nominate Storf as the man to inniate the job of the water throwing, and so we go up to the drive through at Wendy's and say we want a large soda and so we go up to get it, and Rob gets the soda and so he gets it and Storf is on the other side of the car crunched down not to be seen, and he needs more time to get the soda so Rob gets the soda and asks for more straws and napkins and so as the girl is getting them, as soon as she turns around... "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Storf throws the soda at the girl at the window, and hits her perfectly and is drenched in soda and we go off while Storf is running for his life and jumps in the front with his legs are hanging out of the window, lol it was the funniest fucking nite of my life, and then we went to this Hauppauge party and we just drank 40's or whatever, and it sucked and was and whatever, and then went back to Beytin's after he got off later and just went home at 1...

this weekend... Friday, went to Walker's B-day party, happy 18th Wonka and got there at 9:30 with Nance, Adam, and Tom and when we got there, Storf was trashed already and got funny ass pics of his drunken ass... and it was basically a chill party, a lot of cool people were there and some who werent there, thank god.. and got trashed beyond believe, its been a few weeks since the last time I have gotten drunk like that, it was nice, and just chilled around with everyone and slept over, as usual Walker's party was the shit as usual, and got some ill pics in the end also, not really a lot of juniors there on account they were all taking SAT's that next mornring... (sorry about that shit) but overall a really sick nite... Tom : "I was the one who discovered the oreo cookie" wow thats pretty fucked up lol... you got so wasted that nite, good times... Yesterday, drove to Walker's again and just chilled and watched some movies, went in the hot tub, ahhhh that was fucking nice and hung out with Ashton, it was really sick :-D coolest girl you'll ever meet, knew all the lines to Friday, classic movie, good nite again, 2 in a row? hot damn... so overall the weekend was fucking sick...

So yeah I saved this part for last, this past month as been fucking amazing with shows... lets see...

April 14th... the first show... it was Armor for Sleep and Midtown @ The Downtown... went with James and Derrick... well Armor for Sleep is was one of my favorite bands out there already, and finally saw them live in where they fucking kicked major ass, and tore the roof off, if you dont know who they are, go listen to them now! just wow with that, and then there was Midtown, jesus christ, I havent seen them live since This Island Earth fest, and they were orgasmic, playing a shitload of new material from their upcoming new album which is going to be June 29th and of course old classic tracks which overall was just amazing, couldnt complain about the show at all... just amazing...

April 15th... second show... Stars Hide Fire and Taking Back Sunday @ The Downtown... brought Carmen along this time... well I've been listening to Stars Hide Fire for a year now since they just started and seen them progress like crazy in that year, putting out 2 ep's and playing a shitload of shows and getting a video out on MTV2, and finally coming back here, just blew me away with their performance, they have one of the best, and I was like the only one who was singing along to their shit and was fucking pissed off that no one else knew them :-/ sigh but yeah when they were finished, Chris the drummer for SHF came to the crowd and gave me his stick which was rock seeing that I was really into their music and such :-D seriously people go listen to Stars Hide Fire, their gonna be huge, and their fucking amazing, go listen now... my sister is into them now so thats rock, smart girl... unfortunetly Brodie the bassist is leaving the band :-/ but what can ya do? and so the time had come... TAKING BACK SUNDAY... coming back to their home land which is Long Island, and I have to say is that they put on the best live show out there, in the top 5 in my opinion, and just wowed everyone, playing new shit and of course old, the new lineup doesnt even hurt the band as many say it does... so fuck off whoever says it does, cause if you say it should be the same lineup, there would be no Straylight Run, think about that one... and oh yeah did I mention this already? TBS made a new album? and is going to come out soon? hm woot woot, I was speechless after seeing their hour and 1/2 performance, and met up with Chris from SHF afterwards and just chilled with him oh and before the show even started I met Adam from TBS! he's a hero to me I swear to you, great lyricist and performer, just amazing, and got a pic with him :-D and then went home after it all...

April 27th... the third and last show of the month... Dubin's Bachelor Party : Lux Courageous, Kevin Devine, Hot Rod Cicuit, and VERY SPECIAL GUESTS @ The Downtown... well I went solo this time on account of I knew of the special guests for a while for this show and got my ticket a month ahead of time and then by the time everyone else knew who it was they sold out, so whatever... Lux Courageous went first and were kickass, one of my favorite local bands out that, who are light but thats not bad by any means, then I saw Kevin Devine, this guy is fucking amazing and everyone should listen to him also, he played one song which was about his dead father :*( which was fucking sad yet amazing at the same time, amazing artist... and then Hot Rod Circuit came out and went acoustic, did an hour set, and killed it, these guys are favorite of mine... new album coming out soon, be on the lookout... and so who were the special guests anyway? wait I know it was BRAND NEW! well they were all there but Jesse did a solo performance playing 10 songs electric and acoustic, with 5 different guitars... omg, just so fucking amazing that this was happening, I thought it was amazing, and its a rare performance so it kicked it up 30 notches, well it sucks for all of you who didnt know about it in the end... I knew a month before it, you guys could of asked me, and I would of told you all, esp all you "die hard" fans who put all Brand New shit on your journals, backgrounds, put lyrics everywhere, i'm sorry, you should of asked :-D

with those 3 shows, got a shit load of amazing ones like you cant believe, that are the shit, if you want any, let me know... more shows to come... and a new website also coming soon... *Shattered Dreams* its gonna have a shitload of cool stuff on there, soon to come...

alrite i'm spent, i'm gonna stop writing, and yeah, I still cant stop thinking about it... thats all, later... one love...

"I can speak when I want to, employ my voice til it burns. Through the core of my own throat, speak until the demands gone. You should be downstairs with them. Your wasting your time again, listen I'm fine now, I don't want to talk right now. Thank you for your concern."

Armor for Sleep
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