Sep 04, 2005 22:34
Head aches can bring about the most unusual conceptions. When placing my palms over my ears and bending my head down, the sound of my blood pumping through my body grows loud and almost soothing...
very surreal and never noticed until my head is hurting worse then it ever had before....
This reminds me of the louis. Crisis somehow.
Still watching this group's cam. Makes me feel more helpful. That at least I can be here to talk to them (even though about 1,000,000 people are now doing the same thing). It makes me feel better. Wish Chris would find some net and give an IM.... Bugging me not hearing from him. Although I am thinking positive, it still is hard not to wonder the worst with all the messed up media.
Need to play more UT 2004.... post more in a few...