You've Got A Hold On Me Over 300 Miles Away (Prompt #252: Stutter)

Mar 01, 2010 22:50

Title:  You've Got A Hold On Me Over 300 Miles Away (Prompt #252: Stutter)
Pairing/Characters: David, Liz/Nikki
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “He didn’t want to be the one to break the news to Liz, but it wouldn’t be fair if he waited any longer.”
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Devil Girl, Season 6
Notes: This is my first drabble, it’s for prompt #252: Stutter at Numb3rs100. Special thanks to sororcula  for being my beta, <3
Disclaimer: All characters and episode references/Numb3rs in general aren’t mine.

David looked at the ringing phone on the bedside table, checking to see whose name flashed on the home screen. Sighing, he took a deep breath before answering.

“Hey, Liz.”

“David?” Liz asked. He knew she didn’t expect to hear his voice on this line. “Hey, where’s Nikki, did she leave her phone on her desk again?” Liz chuckled.

“Not exactly.” David smiled half-heartedly. He didn’t want to be the one to break the news to Liz, but it wouldn’t be fair if he waited any longer. “Nikki and Colby were in a car accident today, so we’re at the hospital.”

“The hospital?” Liz asked, sounding almost frantic. “Is she okay, is Colby okay?”

“Colby’s fine, a little bruised, but he’ll be okay. Nikki, well… her ribs are bruised, she’s most likely going to have to wear a sling, and she’s… she’s currently unconscious.”

“Un-unconscious?” Liz stuttered.

“I’m so sorry, Liz.”

“Unconscious?” Liz asked again. “But she’s… she’s… she’s going to wake up though, right?”

“Of course she is, Liz,” David reassured her, wishing she were in front of him instead of in San Francisco at a seminar, so he could give her a hug. Liz never lost her composure like this.

“I need… I need to get over there, I’ll… I’ll get on a plane and-’’

“Whoa, Liz, stop," David cut in. “Nikki is going to be fine, she’s probably going to wake up any minute now and start yelling at every doctor and nurse in sight. Take a deep breath, everything will be fine.”

Liz was silent for a few moments before she quietly asked, “Will you… David, will you stay on the phone with me until she wakes up?”

David sat back in his seat, glancing at Nikki in the hospital bed, and replied, “Of course.”

numb3rs, david, liz/nikki

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