Jul 23, 2005 02:12
Ryan needs a [new] inking pen.
... ><
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Dad's been asking about the Russian girl that asked me to take her out. Then when I told him her name was either Natalia or Nadia (I don't really remember now) he went off on me how he's seen both of them and how gorgeous they are. And ... I just looked at him.
Then I reminded him I can hardly handle one woman, why would I need two.
And then he yelled some more at me.
Apparently one of the managers I work with, real nice guy named Chris (work with about four guys named Chris) is getting a small little diddy published. Though he said he's only pumping it out for credibility and nothing more than for money, he told me how he did it.
Only later did I find he isn't 25 as I originaly thought but instead 34 with a wife and two kids.
He then sort of took a double-take when I told him I've been writing since High School Freshman year and had only a couple short stories done and I've never sent them out. So he gave me a lot of advice and told me I'd have a better time since ... well quite frankly I'm young and I have a lot of time to get something major banged out and published.
So that made me wag discreetly.
Hopefully I'll scan and adjust the 1st final of Jay's picture. I had shown it to him before starting to ink and he gave me the biggest compliment I could ever recieve from the likes of him.
"Wow. I like that. -... (sips his coffee)... I really phucking like that."
Once again, the rear-end was happy.
So. Granted my family hasn't broken the scanner downstairs by kicking it too often I'll try and get it e-mailed and then posted to my deviant account.
... I miss Mel so damn much. ._. wtf