Would EVERYONE on my friends list please take the following quick quiz:
http://www.csmonitor.com/specials/decision2004/quiz/ It takes about 5 minutes and is well put-together by a newspaper that I respect.
Then COMMENT on this entry with your resultant candidate in the three areas: Economics, Foreign Affairs, and Culture.
Please also include your ANSWERS -- just the number of the question and the letter of the answer is fine -- to the following
1. Tax rates are ...
A) about right. But taxes are generally too high.
B) unfair. A disproportionate tax burden on the most productive members of society is unconstitutional.
C) about right. But the tax cut Bush gave to the rich was too big.
D) unfair. The wealthy exploit loopholes while the poor pay more than their share.
5. When the US formulates international trade policies, what should be its highest priority?
A) Job security for the American worker.
B) The integrity of free trade.
C) US economic growth.
D) Promoting minimum labor and environmental standards worldwide.
6. What's the best way to grow the US economy?
A) The government does not grow the economy; capitalists do.
B) Clintonomics. Reduce the deficit, balance budgets, and empower the working class.
C) Cut the defense budget in half, provide universal health care, and promote a living wage.
D) Reaganomics. Lower taxes, deregulate, empower the entrepreneurial class.
1. How should the US secure peace between Israelis and Palestinians?
A) The US must cut some aid to Israel and stand up to Israeli abuses of international law.
B) Let the people of the Middle East set their own course. US intervention makes matters worse.
C) Until Palestinians halt terror attacks, the US should support Israel's defensive actions.
D) The US must be an "honest broker" again by working more consistently with moderates.
4. How should the US deal with North Korea's nuclear threat?
A) Why does the US have to deal with it? Let regional nations contain the danger.
B) The US must not be blackmailed with WMD. It should be ready to launch a preemptive strike.
C) It must work with regional powers, using its diplomatic strength to remove this threat.
D) It should offer N. Korea more incentives, and fewer threats, to dismantle its nuclear program.
7. How can the US win the war on terrorism?
A) By not interfering in other nations' business.
B) It must lead a truly global effort to root out terror networks.
C) US leaders must revise arrogant foreign policies that breed anti-American hatred.
D) It must act preemptively, alone if need be, to wipe out terror networks and governments that support them.
1. Abortion should be ...
A) prohibited in most cases.
B) outlawed. Period.
C) every woman's right.
D) safe, legal, and rare.
5. During a war you don't agree with, the highest form of patriotism is ...
A) respect. It's OK to privately disagree, but Americans should root for the home team.
B) dissent. It's important to voice opposition to reckless foreign policies.
C) loyalty to country. Voicing opposition only aids the enemy.
D) protest. It's wrong not to act while soldiers die unnecessarily.
And just out for my curiosity...
7. What role should prayer play in public schools?
A) None. It's discriminatory to publicly practice religion at a taxpayer-funded school.
B) Local school districts should decide whether prayer should be a part of their day.
C) Schools should have time set aside for silent prayer.
D) Students should be allowed to pray as long as teachers are not involved.
, but do the quiz first, since that's where these are from!
Thank you!!