Prompt Post 1

Apr 17, 2012 00:26

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[FILL] - Religious Fanaticism - Revelatios of Rage Pt 1 thingamawhatsit May 2 2012, 23:00:14 UTC
The church bells toll through the streets of Shard low and long, a noise felt near as much as heard. Five times they ring as the citizens of Shard make their way through to the temple, and file in through doors large enough for another building to pass through. The chorus of rage is already singing their pre-service song, discordant chords pushing forward with a rising and falling intensity.

The large crowd sits heavy in the dip between Bleez’s wing bones, but the holy rage grows warm within her. It gives life to the bare bones upon her back, and pushes the foot soldiers and other Red Lanterns away to give her room to move untouched.

As usual the Red Lanterns, Disciples of Rage, have seats of honor in the front of the chapel, and Bleez takes her seat at the far end. Her wings take up the spaces besides her preventing anyone else from sitting too close. Those not filled with the rage of the Lord Atrocitus fill the pews behind and the balconies above.

The last seats fill, and a silence hangs in the air as Cleric Loran makes his way to the pulpit. The general lighting more reminiscent of a sun at mid-day fades, and a rose tinted light illuminates the church in its stead. The stained glass windows depicting the first holy rage loom heavily, the sharp edges dulled to an almost a life like relief. “Welcome, my children, to the House of Rage,” says the cleric. “May your anger see you through the coming days, for the days upon us have been most troubling.”

The crowd murmurs, tensions running high already. In the middle of the bottom rows of pews the soldiers shift away from a group of their own - those who had been requited off of Razer’s home planet.

“It was but recently.” Continues Cleric Loran, “that we gathered here to celebrate our Brother Razer, and his dedication to the Holy Rage. And yet today he is a reminder of the weakness we must purge from ourselves. For it was those weaknesses that brought him from our Lord Autrocitus and into the terrible grasp of the Green Lanterns, those weaknesses that lead our Brother in his misbegotten return to bring destruction upon this holy ground - the last remains of the once great Ysmault!”

The cleric raises the staff that holds his eye, and slams it down heavily upon the hard rock floor of the church. The sharp crack echoes through the room. “Cowardice!” Crack. “Confliction!” Crack. “Doubt!”


Cleric Loran stands until the last sounds clear away, and his voice is low and steady, audible to all only because every ear is bent towards his voice with all of their concentration. “These are the weaknesses we must purge from ourselves. The obstacles we must overcome. The things we must lay aside to fulfill the sacrifices asked of us!”

Cleric Loran lifts his eye high as it begins to fill with the red light of rage blotting out all other colors in a sea of red, and growing steadily into a solid thing. “Be not laid low like the Traitor when the Green Lanterns descend upon you with deception! Be not laid low in the wrath of the Blue Devils! Be not laid low even in the re-emergence of their automaton destroyers!

The light solidifies all at once into the recognizable figure of the machine Atrocitus had near slain the day of Razer’s betrayal, the machine Razer had rescued as though it was a member of his unit.

A roar erupts, and the pews flare with Red Lantern light.

“Rise my children! Rise in Rage, and in Vengeance all will fall!”

Bleez stands, lifting her fist in unison with every member of the chapel, the oath pouring from every mouth as their rage mounts.

“With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red
We fill men’s souls with darkest dread
And twist your minds to pain and hate
We’ll burn you all - that is your FATE!

A fate Razer will soon be enjoying, because Bleez is going to find him, and watch him burn herself.


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