Jun 27, 2008 02:39
Anyways, I've been meaning to post for, like, a week now. Nothing important, really. Just that I went to Stonehenge for the mother-F*&%ing Solstice! It sounds a lot more exciting than it actually was- we just sort of stood around all night long while it rained. A light rain, but rain nevertheless. But, hey, it was something to do, a once in a Jenn's lifetime thing. I mean, when was I going to be in Britain again for the summer solstice and have the chance to go down to Stonehenge with some of my best friends? St. Tom and Silent Bob (aka Ben, but I still always think of him as Silent Bob) invited me down, as they live near Salisbury. It was cool- we got lost somewhere near Neath trying to find their friend Barney's house (which is also not his real name, he has a barn so, Barney) and I think Ben fucked up his car going over, as Tom put it, small boulders, but Barney's barn was pretty freaking awesome. And they have a spectacular view of the Brecon Beacons. Fuck yeah. So, yeah, we finally get on the M4 again after our, like, 2 hour detour, and then 20 miles from Cardiff Ben's car breaks down, and he calls his mum who calls some people to come get us and tow the car, and then they can't fix it so someone had to drive us all the way to Warminster (where Ben and Tom live) which was 2 hours away, and ending up costing Ben's mum 255 quid. Hey! It was interesting, but, god, that driver freaking pissed me off so much. He needed to be slapped, and continuously. But, yeah, Tom and I walked down to his house after we got into the town, and he made some Rice Surprise! which is just rice with tuna and cheese. Everything that's food and has the name 'surprise' in it seems to have tuna. Like, 'Surprise! Its tuna! You would have never guessed.' But it was good because I was hungry, and then we took the train down, and went to the Tesco's (which I never discovered when I visited, blast) and got some munchies and beer in cans or plastic because glass wasn't allowed, and then took the bus out to the site, and then walked, like, 15 minutes to the actual entrance point, where they searched our bags and the lady counted how many cans of beer I had. Super vigilant. And then we found a place to put our stuff, and stood around for the rest of the night.
That was a lot there. Tom's friends were cool, Tom's house was small, but it was sweet seeing Tom kiss his mum good-bye, an 'Aww' moment. (Though, if Tom's mum didn't take care of him so well, he might be able to actually cook more than rice and mash for dinner, and know how to clean up after himself.) But it sucked saying good-bye, because I don't like ever saying good-bye, and I've promised to try and visit next April or May. Damnit, I will! I think I will show up at their door, and be all like, 'Hey.' Like nothing has changed. That's how I'd like it to be. I kind of wish I could re-live the last three years over and over again- yeah, that'd be cool, but I'd make some minor changes, of course, because, hey, if you can re-live time over again than you can totally change things.
I made cranberry sauce. Its so fucking good, I swear, man- so good!