Apr 14, 2008 10:45
Hooray! Easter break is over and people are back! People I know! I can talk to people now! Hooray! But, then again, people are noisy and messy and annoying.
I'm beginning to not be able to stand both A Certain Person's boyfriend AND A Certain Person. It shouldn't extend to her, but she seems to let the mess in the kitchen pile up and then makes excuses for them- 'Oh, I've been really busy', or 'I was going to do it soon.' So I've decided that, if I want a clean kitchen, I'll just have to clean it myself. But currently, the kitchen is getting bad again. Why can't people just clean up after themselves?! I mean, it doesn't take very long to wash your dishes if you do it regularly, instead of letting it pile up. And how hard is it to wipe down the counter if you spill something? And how hard is it to put away your take-away, instead of leaving it on the side for two days? And the drying rack is called a drying rack because that's where you put your dishes to dry; its not called a cupboard, its not called 'the place where you store your dishes until the next time you want to use them,' indeed, that is the function of a cupboard. Come on! They have two drawers and two and 1/2 cupboards- but not only do they take up ALL that space, they also take up half the counter-top space with their dishes and food, and the top of the refrigerators. Its getting ridiculous.
Ah, I feel better after that rant. Called Sarah last night, we talked about our Cross Canadian Adventure! Our Biking Quest! But planning needs to be done, and I need to get in much better shape for then. Been reading up for exams. Need to read more! I've never felt so unprepared for exams as I do this year, but I still have until 9 May until my first exam. 10 hours of exams this year. Mrp. Better get to reading some more, only have a novel and a half left to read for my first exam.