May 17, 2006 13:08
So I get this e-mail yesterday from Ms. Beryl Doyle (though she's married, I prefer Ms. Sounds better to me) saying that I missed some English Dept. Module Fair, and that I needed to get up there lickety-split. So it turns out I have to sign up for my English modules for next year today. She gave me an extra day to decide things. But History doesn't have theirs out, eventhough fucking Mel Davies gave Sarah N. copies to take back to Trent for the Trent students next year. But the bitch said they didn't have them, not for another two weeks.
Now this wouldn't piss me off so much if it wasn't for the fact that, since I'm joint honours, I'll need to coordinate which History and English classes I take so that it balances out for the right amount of credits and classes each term. I'll have to tell Beryl that my choices are somewhat tentative. Fucking eh, man.
Good news: Two exams done. Two more to go. Next week, and then the week after. Then I go home. I think I did pretty well on The Tempest questions, I think I'll do well enough.
Going out night because I can because I don't have an exam tomorrow and it's one of the last nights out with the Canadians, and probably with a lot of other people, too, and because I want to and it's fun and I usually have a good time and I think we're just going down to the bar because they don't have anything going on tonight, just a regular night. But still, good times. Pre-drinking. I was thinking, maybe as an experiment I'd go down to the bar and slowly drink a pint over, say, an hour more or less, and do that the entire rest of the afternoon. I wonder if I'd get slowly but surely drunk, because it'd be steady drinking so not enough time for my liver to do all that sorting before the next one comes. Granted, such an experiment would be expensive. But I've given up on the whole not spending money thing, for the moment. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my time here, with going outs and having fantastic sandwiches!
It's weird, for, like, the past three weeks, whenever I start drinking I get cravings for a ham sandwich. And I kept saying to myself, 'Okay, tomorrow I'll go out and get a ham sandwich, okay?' But I didn't...until now. Yes! I have ham! I will make a ham sandwich today. With cheese, too, probably. And maybe some cream cheese.
Long post, sorry. But, yeah baby! Only two exams left!