Dec 11, 2010 19:48
I feel like I should make a post, even though not much has happened. It's just been school->play->homework->sleep. I guess I could mention how my friends and I have officially formed a "family." Jonah is Daddy and E2 is Mama Rambo. Then I'm their oldest daughter who's thirteen and a brat, Becky and Sam are ten-year-old twins, and Joey is six. We've also got Uncle Eddie (Jonah's "brother") and Aunt Lindsey (Mama Rambo's "sister"). Becky and I are rewriting Bohemian Rhapsody into our theme song for when we make a sitcom out of this. XD
And have I mentioned how much I hate AP Calculus? Seriously, I walk in there and the classroom alone makes me want to cry. I have actually broken out in tears twice because I've been so frustrated with the work. I'm fairly sure it's not even that difficult- Mr. Hover just can't teach it. It's to a point that I only copy down the notes, block out the rest of what he's saying, and then ask Mr. Dahn for help after school. He can explain things to me in five minutes in a way that I understand, when it takes Hover twenty minutes to go over in class and I'm still confused. I have English right after Calc, and it's become a sanctuary. The other day I burst into the room, exclaiming to Mr. Madajski how happy I was to see him. He just sort of stared at me, "Uh... nice to see you too. you read the sonnets for today?" lol
Speaking of English, construction has begun for the big, annual research paper. Mine is about how Sherlock Holmes influenced modern forensic science. :D I've actually been looking forward to writing this since last year. Hell, I've had four sources already for months! Mr. M even said I could use the canon as a source, because I need to refer back to the stories for examples of Holmes using certain forensic methods. I also did a search for some books I could order, and I found a couple that I think will help with my paper. One of them is even written by a guy named Steven Doyle! I'm trying to find out if he has any relation to the Doyle, but his kids never had offspring, and it's hard to track down the entire family tree.
I've also made the decision that I'm going to... *gulp* write to 221b Baker Street. I know the address is really a part of the Abbey National Building Society, but they've got a secretary who works there and answers Holmes's fanmail, so I'm gonna give it a shot and see if I can get any information from there.... Plus it'd be awesome just to write to "him! "
ap calculus,
sherlock holmes,
research paper,
221b baker street