So during pre-calc I discovered that my friends Emily and Eddie love Red vs Blue. ^^ It started with Eddie. I quoted something off the show and he said the line that came after it. Then we started talking about it for about ten minutes, Church came up in the conversation, and Emily turns around all, "I love Church!" which caused me to gasp loudly because, yes, I'll admit it: I am officially a Leonard Church fangirl. He's just... the baddest badass in the history of badassery. <3 I'm so glad I have people to fan over this with now!
I uh... *cough* before play practice I asked Jonah to prom- yeah, my freshman friend- and he said yes. :O It was perfect though, I didn't come right out and say it. Adam and I were on the subject, he suggested that I ask Jonah (even though I've been entertaining this idea for about two weeks), and so I did. So now, it only looks like Adam invited me to invite Jonah to prom, when really I was planning on doing this all along, HAHA! ...Man, this shit's complicated. XD Afterward, I hung out with Jonah backstage and we talked- while we weren't on stage- about video games and superheros for like... two hours. Yep. We're nerds. XD I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this guy. I don't have a crush on him or anything, but he's just really fun to hang out with and talk to. We've got the geek-connection, y'know?
Anyways, BREAKING NEWS, Mel posted this promo for the next episode and used the perfect song!
Click to view
*pokes* That's the theme for the Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett! My fav Holmes EVA!!! <333 I'm actually learning this song on my violin. It's hard but, once I'm finished and get it fine-tuned, I'll so make a recording and post it. Maybe even a vid with it and this episode?
So yeah. My two favorite shows of all time in one video. Mel, I love you!!