Nov 17, 2009 20:39
Nothing new on my computer status, I'm still on the family one, but I'm going to call the Geek Squad this weekend to see if I can just fix it over the phone. I miss having a fully-functional computer in my room... and all the random AIW conversations Jen and I have. <3
Anyway, I've set out a game plan for how I'm going to study for exams and I'm layin' out by class:
Anatomy- I'm just going to review all my notes, worksheet packets, and tests and wish myself the best of luck. Memorization, that's all it is.
Trigonometry- It sounds like Mr. Dahn is going to go over some sections with us but I'm not going to fret over this exam much. Math seems to come pretty easy to me, it's just a matter of remembering the formulas and functions.
Honors English- Mr. Madajski has been kind enough to allow us one page, front and back, to write whatever we want and use it during testing. I'm going to type mine- ten font with half-inch margins. Yes. I've got over a dozen authors and their works that I have to know, grammar, some literary terms, a BUNCH of stuff on Edgar Allan Poe, a great deal about Huck Finn, and the basic plots of 29 short stories and poems. O-0 I think it's safe to say that I'm going to need this. I would actually like to start working on it tonight if I have time.
Economics- Today Mr. Holliday gave us a 39-page packet review with 150 questions... and fifty of those are going to be the exam. So if I just do the whole thing I should be fine! ^^ This packet is a beast though. If I were to roll it up and hit someone upside the head I wouldn't be surprised if they fell over unconcious... lol.
Media Literature- I am not studying for this at all because, well... there's nothing to study! And Mr. Kinyon told us today that we were going to write half the exam ourselves. I'll be so freaking happy when this class is over though because it's a blow-off class pretty much and unlike most people who adore these types of classes, they have an opposite affect on me. I cannot just sit in my chair for an hour and watch a movie every day. I have to be doing something! I need a challenge or a puzzle brought to my attention that I have to work out! (Wow, I sounded like Holmes just there...) Anyway, once our assignment is given- and it's always the same damn thing, a page or more essay or a journal entry... which is a page- and it's the end of the day, I don't care and I leave it off until later. However, this foolishness has caught up with me and I currently have a D in that class. I've never had anything short of an A- in my entire high school career, if I get knocked down because of this class I'm going to be so pissed with myself! (Raven if you're reading this, could you like... send your Chidori alchemy through the internet and just engulf me with your epic flames of doom? Or better yet do it over the phone like Roy wanted to do with Maes? I'd appreciate that.)
However. Silver lining. I talked it over with Mr. Kinyon and it turns out that one of my assignments just hasn't been graded yet and I did the math and found out that I really have a C. But still, that's not good enough. So tonight I am dead focused on finishing up my Forrest Gump and A Time to Kill papers. That'll bring me up to an B+ at the least. Then there are my journal entries that I've written, and they'll be accounted for later, that will heighten it to, hopefully, an A. I've got a week to bring it up two whole letter grades. Heheh, no pressure. Where're my supplements?
In other news, the musical's doing well. The opening number is pretty much down pat and tomorrow I get to work with Miss Harper on my RUSH scene! Whoo! Something to look forward to! Today she told me that I have to play Revered Mother with an Irish accent. To my surprise I'm not altogether bad at it. I've also signed up for segment two of driver's ed. which means that I might get my license before the snow comes. That would be beautiful.