Nov 09, 2004 08:21
Ghaaah! I've fallen into that horrific "I'm too busy to post" trap. It's the truth, and I hate it when others do it...but alas, when an excuse is so readily available, it's human nature (or, possibly, just my nature) to use it for my own devices.
So, the story so far: just finished one round of midterms, and have the next round starting this week. Fantastic. Fortunately, they're all sort of nicely spaced out.
Also know when my exams are... and I have to write on a Saturday. Again. It's not that I mind the writing, so much as it screws with the sanctity of The Day Off. I haven't yet decided whether it is worse to have to write in the morning or the afternoon. See, if it's in the morning, you have to get up, but then the afternoon is free to either bugger off or go study some more (after a protracted mental break). But if it's in the afternoon, then your whole day is resigned to thinking about that subject. Your morning is spent worrying/ last ditch studying, and your afternoon is shot, since you're STILL writing the damned thing.
Possibly, if going by the beneficence way of philosophy (was Millar the guy? can't remember my philosophy class at the moment), wherein there's the whole happiness/unhappiness ratio, you'd have to go with the morning test...
Sorry. I know, I'm venting. Another of the pitfalls of journals. One assumes that, just because one writes it, everyone else must care what one thinks... Reminds me of another thing I read by Crane... something to the effect of a guy yelling "Here I am!" and the universe replying, "So what? I don't have any responsibility to care." Incredibly humbling, no?
And, despite that small insight, I'm going to continue the tired student update. I think it's just getting to that time, you know? Every student out there knows what I'm talking about. It's that time of the year when the novelty of your classes has worn off, or those little quirks of your profs are getting to be just a little too much, and all you want to do is get the rest of the semester over with, and you realize that there's still like a month left of classes, and yet exams seems so close at the same time. Plus, it's November. The days are getting so short here, and it's gloomy. You know the feeling. It's not burnout, so much as it is...perhaps and ennui with the daily grind of class, lab, write reports, squeeze in any extra time for that big paper coming due, and nothing is exciting anymore. Or, at least in my case, what I'm learning isn't exciting any more, and so I just go to class wishing I was somewhere else... and this from the girl who would, if she won the lottery, become a professional student in a heartbeat.