Sep 10, 2006 10:19

Sweet wounded Jesus!

I woke up thios morning, stepped on my trusty scale, and...


After I practically jumped on the scale a few times and moved it to 3 different locations to see if I could get a different reading (even though it's analog), I came to terms w/ the fact that I am OFFICIALLY 106... Even though that number will change to 108 as soon as I eat and/or drink, for now I don't care. Cause what about all of those other mornings when the scale read 108 or 110 or even 112 in the morning, and soon as I ate something it was 2 lbs higher than THAT?? ::glee::

Now if I can just keep it this way. Heck, if I lost another 5 lbs (or thereabouts) I'd be ECSTATIC. I'm just doubting that I will now... Every single time I've brought my weight back down from a higher point over the last 5 or so years, I consistently plateau at 103, and can never get any lower -- no matter what. So w/any luck I'lldrop 3 more, but I have a distinct feeling that that would be it. But you know what? After being 113 for the first time in my life, 103 looks like paradise! Even 106 looks fabulous, lol.

Anyway, yay for me...

Even though I'm sick w/what I hope is just a cold. Trust me when I tell you guys that it is NO FUN waking up at 9am (after you went to bed at 3am, thank you J) and you've got clear gunk that's been running out of your nose in the direction of your upper lip while you slept! UGH! ...Sorry for being gross, guys -- but I definitely *feel* gross! ::runs to go catch her running nose:: Ewwwwww. Well, thank God for Airborne, Emer-gen'c, and Claritin!

In other news, J just got us a new TV. :) It's a 32" flat screen tube by Sharp. It may not be HD, but neither of us can exactly afford HD (or a plasma), and so we're happy to just have a vast improvement over the old (and I do mean OLD) 27" Sony, which we've moved into the bedroom. We figure that if and when we can afford an HD or plasma, we'll move the Sharp into the bedroom, and all will be fabulous!

Meanwhile, I got into 0/2 of the classes that I needed to add. Apparently I'm not senior enough, and so the journalism dept is sticking it to me up the ass by way of keeping me behind another semester... F*CK! What part of "I need to complete these requisite courses in order to start my broadcast concentration" is hard for them?? They act as if these are elective courses and if they're full, you can go and pursue something else. Umm, noooo... These are core requirements that I need, and I can't take *anything else* in my major until you let me take your classes!!! Harumph. I've tried emailing 2 theatre professors, pleading with them to let me add their classes since theatre is my collateral (aka my minor), and one of them is hesitant to let me in, and the other only wants to let me in if I'm a senior. Gee, thanks for the understanding and compassion, guys. ::frustrated:: I need to write them back...

Well kids, it's time for me to go and blowdry my hair, wash my face, walk the dogs, etc. Fun fun for everyone!

<3- Krissy

J wants to take me to breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, french toast, bacon, and cheesy eggs? Umm, I guess I can kiss 106 goodbye! ::le sigh::
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