Tangents galore!

May 22, 2006 22:23


'ello, everybody. Long time no see (or write, as the case may be). It's been an interesting couple of weeks around here. I'm about to have my finals at school this week, and so I've become a note-taking whore in the process. That being said, please refer to the outline below for updates on life!

1) I missed Danny's recital and am *officially* going to hell.
Leave it to me to stupidly forget one of the most important things on my calender -- Danny's senior recital. Although he's being ultra-cool and understanding about it all, *I* am unable to let it go. This is Danny we're talking about -- MY Danny, and I totally blew it. I loathe myself. And what was I doing instead of sitting front and center at UCLA, you ask? Oh, that's right, watching The Da Vinci Code, since I was oblivious to the fact that I had made plans to see his show. Was the movie good? Yes. Was it as good as I'm sure Danny's show was? No. ::kicks self:: Mea culpa, my dears. Mea culpa, indeed.

2) Bat Boy auditions are here!
Raise your hand if you're auditioning for YAE's 18+ show Bat Boy! The Musical...! ::raises hand emphatically:: I'm excited about it -- especially seeing as how Lex, Danny, Elissa, Sasha, et al are all auditioning too. God I hope we all get in -- how FUN. Meanwhile, the Adelphia people want Danny and I to host video screenings at TO High and Newbury Park HS the same days as the performances for Bat Boy! ....Umm, I think NOT. As far as I'm concerned, I am NOT going to give up a month of raucous fun to host a screening for no pay. NUH UH! Anyway, callbacks are Wednesday, I believe. So I guess we'll see then. OH NOOOOO!!! I *just* realized that callbacks are likely going to be at the SAME TIME as my FINAL (8pm)!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ohh this is gonna suck now. SUCK. ^#(*@^!#()$)$&^%! I. am. fucked. ::has a breakdown::

I'm really only worried about one of them, but they're stressful nonethelsss. Then I start summer school in July. ::le sigh:: Why am I doing all of this again??

4) Krissy's on 5 prescriptions!
I was sick a few weeks ago, and thought that I had a subsequent sinus infection. Upon seeing Dr. Brar, however, I was told I was much more sick than I had thought. Apparently I had a sinus infection, possible asthma, grossly inflamed/swollen lymph nodes, and severe allergies -- which is what he thinks left my body run down and prone to the "nasty infection" in the first place. Subsequently, this month I'm on *$400* worth of prescriptions: the antibiotic Levaquin, my BC, Flonase (allergies), Advair (for would-be asthma), Prednizone (a steroid for inflammation), and OTC Claritin. Can you believe that??? To boot, Dr. Brar said there "is no real test" for asthma... I thought there was. How can it be diagnosed if there's no test for it? He just listened to me breathe and asked me (for the umpteenth time) "do you have asthma?" I said "I don't know -- but you ask me that every time I see you, so maybe I do. I don't breathe well at night lately, but I thought it was due to the illness." The next thing I knew I was being prescribed the steroidal inhaler Advair. I'm on 3 steroids! Prednizone, Advair, and Flonase -- I'm like the incredible hulk right now. Oye vey.

5) MTV news
I've made it to the 3rd round (which is like the finals) of casting for MTV's new show Triple Threat. As you may remember, our very own Kamahni Huck participated in and WON the competition for the episode he did. It hasn't aired yet because the show's still being picked up, but I'm sure it'll be on soon enough. If all goes according to plan, I will soon join the ranks of Kamahni and become "Triple_Threat_Krissy@mtv.com" or something like that, lol. BTW, for those who don't know what I'm talking about -- Triple Threat is a new reality show being devised for MTV, and in each episode 10 people compete in areas of singing, dancing, AND acting to become crowned "the triple threat." Yes it's reality show, yes it's a rip off of So you think you can dance and American Idol, but at this point I'm just not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, you know? It pays and offers exposure, soooo yeah... :) In related news, a casting director stopped me in Trader Joes in WeHo the other day, gave me her card (she's another MTV casting director, lol), and told me that she's casting a pilot for ABC -- which she thinks I'd be "perfect" for. I gave her my info and she gave me mine; she wants to see my headshot and resume. :) So maybe nothing will come of it, but it's still flattering to be stopped on the street by a legit CD and be asked to submit for something. ::shrugs::

6) A Day in the Life of Krissy MacQueen
I saw my Alicia for the first time in YEARS the other day, and we took so many pictures that frankly I'm still reeling! Semi-pro Alicia (as we now like to call her) was nice enough to drive to Hollywood and bring all of her expensive photography stuff and take my headshots. BTW, I'm still amazed that we managed to fit two big light stands and camera stuff in my apartment living room! ;-) As far as I'm concerned, I'm the LEAST photogenic person in the world -- which is not to say I'm ugly, just terribly unphotogenic -- and so even if we didn't get a single usable shot for my purposes, we still had a really fun day! We took lifestyle pics too (for a Brooks Institute project she's doing) -- walking the dogs, lying on a chaise, canvasing a restaurant, modeling at Express, and dancing. Alicia said that it felt like we were doing a photo essay on "A Day in the Life of Krissy MacQueen." Hehe, I love that girl. I promise to post some of them when she sends them my way. And incidentally, Alicia, THANK YOU FOR BEING FABULOUS.

I don't want to ruin her surprise, but if you know and love Em, check out her My Space and see what all of the fuss is about. Emily, congrats and I'm so happy for you! :-D

8) Jamie, Jack, and Stench are back...
...And all is right with the world again. Thank you guys who voted on STAR's website. I love you.

9) Wanna play?
If it's been longer than 3 weeks since I've seen you, then rest assured I miss you terribly! Now that school will be on hiatus for me after this week, it means I'll actually have time to see you guys!! So please please please, if you have any time to spare -- let's set up something. And if I don't call you, call me damnit!! My head may be up my ass, but I still love you very much -- and miss you too! Here's a couple of ideas: what's everybody doing this Saturday? J wants to go to the beach, and I'd like to extend the invite to any/all of you. It's Memorial Day weekend -- who's in for some fun in the sun with a couple of pasty whities? C'moooooon doooown! Also, if you have heard of / like the talented musical artist Ben Jelen, I happen to know that he'll be playing at The Hotel Cafe on Sat night, June 3rd. The HC is a BLOCK from my apartment, and I'm not missing the concert for the world. Who wants to come with? Tickets will be under $10, and we can hang around my/J's place before/afterwards. Seriously, think about it and let me know.

10) Season finales!
If your name is Veronica Mars, The O.C., Desperate Housewives, or Will and Grace, please come back to me... I know that W&G *won't,* but can't the rest of you shows just NOT take hiatuses and play throughout the summer?? PLEASE?!? MY TIVO WON'T BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU!!! Come back, Mischa Barton!!! COOOOOOOME BAAAACK!!!!! ::sobs:: Ok fine. If you won't come back until fall, I understand. But then YOU, Nip/Tuck had better make your way back to my Tivo, STAT.

11) I actually feel kind of sorry for Britney Spears.
Why? Obviously the girl can't even read, write, or add (much less take BC) and so it's no surprise that Genius McGee is pregnant again. I already feel badly enough for Cletus #1, but the new Cletus Fetus really is being born into a crap situation. After all, Britney is at the end of her rope with Federloser (as she should be), she's running out of money, her body (aka monkeymaker) is in the toilet, she's car-seat impaired, driving impaired, high-chair impaired, and child-carrying-while-walking impaired (google Britney to find out everything that's happened if you're behind), and allegedly having a nervous breakdown. I mean yes she's a stupid, trashy, less-than-stellar mother babymaker/oven, but I'm actually starting to feel badly for the broad. Every mistake she makes is put under a microscope, and then submitted for my reading/viewing pleasure. So to Britney, I only have this to say:

Dear Brit,
Take a shower. It not only cleanses your hair, but it cleanses the soul.
Divorce Kevin. Do it now. Right now. PLEASE.
Stop dressing your son in ridiculous hats -- you're implanting seeds of Federgrossness.
Start shopping at Bloomingdales. They make really nice, classy clothes. Yes, C-L-A-S-S-Y.
Hire a child safety expert to give you some tips. Your babies will thank you when they're old enough and cognitively able to speak -- since your swift action in this area will hopefully prevent any future droppings on their heads.
Wait until you have the second baby before releasing any new music. Trust me on this.
T-A-M-I-F-L-U. Dave may not have called you on it, but I have to. I have a dictionary in the mail for you, sweetheart.
Live with your mom for a while. She's raised 3 kids, and realizes you're a little helpless. Run home to mommy and let her sort it out for you. Do this AFTER you divorce K-Fug.
Contact Jessica Simpson for a sample of Proactiv. It worked for her, it worked for me, it'll work for you too. :)
And lastly, take care, eat well, get lots of rest, and lay low. Cause really, we all WANT to like you... Well most of us. Ok, at least some of us do. A few. But the way you keep putting yourself out there makes it all too easy for us to point and laugh. Stop trashing it up, grab some etiquette and parenting skills, and you'll be okay.
Love, Krissy

Aaaand, scene!
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