4/20 is my new Friday the 13th

Apr 20, 2006 18:59

::le sigh::

Well, today was a big day for me in terms of having a lot on my plate and relatively high stakes. How did I handle it? Decidedly mediocrely. Had it not been for the Triple Threat audition (which I'll get to later) I would say that this whole day was a wash.

Honestly, I should've known last night that today was going to be one hurdle after another. Lex and I were going to get together tonight, but work came up and so she unfortunately had to cancel our plans. While I was saddened to learn that we'd have to reschedule our playtime, I was also semi-relieved that I had some time to catch up after what I knew would be a crazy day. Well, the cancellation was probably an omen of other disappointments to come -- I just missed the signs.

I failed to tell most of you that this morning I had an audition for the national tour of Aida. I did this not to shut people out, but because I was trying to control my anxiety about it. I had actually been specially invited to the audition after previously submitting via actorsaccess.com, so I had a leg up, which was both exciting and nerveracking. Anyway, I showed up to the principal auditions this morning... And blew it. Hard. I must digress though -- it wasn't all my fault. I had heard other auditioners coming out of the audition complaining about the pianist. Little did I know that when I put Goodbye Until tomorrow from L5Y into the pianist's hands, that he'd *butcher* it. God as my witness, that song became literally 3 times slower when he played it. And even though I tried to speed up and have him follow me, he didn't -- he just looked at me like I was crazy and getting ahead of the music. Trust me, the phrase "finally... yeeeessss...! finally nooooohhhhoooow" has never been so drawn out, EVER. I eventually resigned to my slow-butchered-song fate, and to thank me, Mr. Piano Man SLOWED IT EVEN MORE. Thanks, man. Thanks. Needless to say, I'm not getting called back. ...However, I'm almost positive that I caught a fleeting glimpse of Ryan Balch (from Chorus Line / YAE) going in to audition, and if it was indeed he, I hope he did better than I!!

After the audition from hell, I got a chance to go home and rela-- no, wait, scratch that. No relaxing. I got to go home and write a paper! I knew I had to be done by 2:30 though because (drumroll please) I had another audition for MTV at 3:30! So I quickly walked the dogs and got in my car. ...That I wrecked 5 seconds later. Ok, maybe 'wrecked' isn't the right term, seeing as how it's just the left rear fender, but hey, that part's certainly wrecked! Basically, I pulled a Krissy and backed the back-left-side of my car into a concrete pillar in the apartment's parking garage. (Crying ensued.
) In my defense, it is true that this is a brand new parking spot for me, and it's tandem -- so while I *was* paying attention, some part of my brain just assumed that after I'd passed the first pillar, there'd be no second one. Obviously, I was wrong. And to boot, it'll cost $1,000 if I wanna fix it. I currently have $6,000 on credit cards. Thusly, it won't be fixed, and my insanely dented in / paint-scratched-off car will remain an eyesore. Remind me to take off my fucking "I'm not spoiled, just well taken care of" license plate frame. ...How I loathe that thing. ::shudders::

Forty-five minutes and lots of tears later, I arrived at MTV. Seeing as how I had no cash on me and therefore couldn't park in a lot, I parked on the street. Although I was low on change, I had enough for 40 minutes on the meter. Two hours later I discovered that apparently Santa Monica cops have nothing better to do than write parking tickets for starving actresses with damaged cars. &#^*($)_#)(@*@!!!!

Now for the audition...

The show that I auditioned for is a new show for MTV called Triple Threat. Basically they're trying to find someone between 18 and 24 who is the best singer, dancer, AND actor in LA. It doesn't work if you can only do one or two -- you have to be able to do all three. That being said, I think that this time my audition went REALLY well. I had to fill out this crazy questionnaire (that included questions like "Have you ever been institutionalized? Please explain." And the ever popular "How do you deal with confrontation? Do you usually win arguments?" Umm... No, amicably, and yes, respectively. Then I had an on-camera interview (she said I was "remarkably poised on camera") and I had to sing a capella and dance -- both jazz/hip hop and tap (by request). Then came the monologue wherein I had to be tormented, scared, helpless, and cry on cue. Actually, I don't know how I pulled it off, really (lol)... I won't know the status of how I did for a couple of weeks, but the CD told me to call them if they don't call me, and that it was "a really good audition." There's hope for me yet!

And now here I sit with a sore, stressed out back, a $35 parking ticket, a left-side-ruined car, and 5 projects due in the next two weeks for school.

Yep... I'm on a streak all right.
I just don't know what kind yet.

<3- K.

If your name is Danny Lincoln, call me. I left you a msg the other day and wanna talk, my sweet. xoxoxo
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