❶. Owah, sorry I've been so busy! School has just been :P I really want to do well on this Apush test. That, and also my computer's at the mac shop getting it's display ficst. Pray for iGurren...! >_<
❷. Tomorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth stitches removed! I CAN FINALLY EAT WITH NO LIMITS. My mouth has been rejecting the thread, I think. :C And I've been turning into a stick. I want to celebrate by going to eat a real meal.
WOW this chapter was such an eye-openner. I-Irie is actually kinda cute...I get this SPANNER vibe from him and now all I want to do is just give him a hug. But first I'd kinda slap him.
I'm SO impressed with Tsuna's character growth. Running right up to Irie and shaking him! The Tsuna from before wouldn't have done that.../manly juudaime tears. So is Tsuna not dead?
I wonder why Hibari is so important? Because he's the strongest Vongola guardian? Not that I'm complaining, but why not Gokudera? Maybe because he's so predictable? Too tsunasexual? XD; Hibari's a cloud of mystery, so I guess that makes sense...no wait, it doesn't. Why Hibari? -ROMANTICIZES-
Normal Hibari is like, "...?" XD
BYAKURAN IS THE GLOWING GOD OF SEX. Seriously, what a hot muthafucka. He will fuck everyone.
OMGGG VARIA WHY AM I SO HAPPY. Their outfits are really hot. But lmfao, is that MARMON? S-so moe... New Soul Eater chapter was good too. But I couldn't help but feel like the artist got lazy....XD
❹. I hope all is well with everyone else. If not then...
I care :3
Also, good luck to all you college kids taking
finals! So punny...