
Apr 17, 2009 10:51

Apparently my sister and her husband actually do think that Charlotte is a beautiful name. I was informed a few days ago that they have decided upon the names for the still-baking twin girls: Cailyn Brooke and Charlotte Michelle.


I was only half serious when I suggested that I have a namesake. The Brat (sister) said that Jon (her husband) was actually the one who brought up the fact that Charlotte is a great name (no surprise there) and that it really isn't all that common (unless you are 65+). My dad did not think this was a fantastic idea but no one cares what he thinks. Or at least my sister and I don't in this matter.

Other news:

*I finally announced to my father that I'm a vegetarian. I decided upon this over 2 months ago but finally worked up the nerve to tell my dad. I have no idea why it was difficult to reveal it to him... I mean, shit, I casually dropped the fact that I don't believe in god about 10 minutes prior to the vegetarian thing without an issue. I think he was still reeling from the fact that I'm not a christian so had nothing to say about me not eating meat anymore.
Sidenote: I completely understand why people choose to keep their parents in the dark about their sexuality. Its hard to have a conversation with a parent when you are anticipating a negative response. However, my advice is: GRAB YOUR BALLS AND SPILL IT.
*Justin met my extended family on pop's side. My grandfather, in all of his omnipotent glory, questioned why Justin is vegan and delivered an outstanding opposing argument. Outstanding should be in quotation marks. Anyhow, Justin abstained from engaging him in a debate which I appreciated. He's old and it was his house, let the man have his opinion (no matter how uninformed it is). My grandmother merely stated, "He's a lot different than Paul and Cody" to which I laughed and then proceeded to pump her for details. "Is it because he doesn't look clean cut? I'd just like to point out that Cody rarely shaved so he wasn't clean cut either. Paul DID look like backstreet boy and I dated him 10 years ago - so he is exempt." Turns out that its because Justin has tattoos (which is hilarious, I do too and no one says anything to me about it) and a septum piercing. So, in all actuality, Justin is more like me.
Sidenote: I am the exception to every rule for my family. It is adorable.
*Why are people protesting the President in relation to the dramatic increase in STATE TAX? I mean, the STATE is responsible for the elevation not the President. Duh. Listen people, if you're so upset about this, GO TO YOUR STATE CAPITOL AND PROTEST THERE. If you continue to blame Obama your STATE reps will continue to allow him to be the scapegoat.
Sidenote: People are stupid.
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