I laid out on my back... imagine that.

Apr 02, 2009 12:20

Sweet confirmation that both Tegan AND Sara are lesbians. Or at least this is what my team member at work tells me. For some reason this makes me happy. I have yet to check the "date a female" box off of my bucket list. I wonder if I ever will. I certainly won't if I have a boyfriend - unless he doesn't mind that I date a girl. No threesomes though. I think threesomes are a bad bad idea when in a relationship... and you know? I don't think I'd like to be in a threesome when NOT in a relationship either. I generally think groups of three are a recipe for disaster.

Tickets go on sale for a show Tegan and Sara are playing with The New Pornagraphers (amid others) on April 17th. I am poor but I will buy tickets anyway.

Tonight is a little gathering I am hosting in honor of Max. I have wine, cupcakes, various other snacks, and mix cd's for my fabulous gals who have agreed to show up. I likely will not cry, but I will likely talk about my Maxie Pad. I will also force them to view photos of my lost kitty and shove tortilla chips in their ears if they do not ooooh and ahhhh.
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