ladies and gentlemen of livejournal:
as of today i am flicking the switch and allowing this journal to die; or at least to settle in the ether and collect dust like so many graffiti-scrawled teenage diaries.
looking over the last year's worth of entries, i realised how much they all bored me, how much my thoughts, or at least the ones i express, do bore me. i want to make a noise to acknowledge that the self that's been here has been at once more and less me than myself. there's more to me than myself, and more to life than the narrow subjects to which i've been limiting myself. recently, i've even started watching rugby, and football, and nearly crying when my team lost. i've started investigating politics and even dating people outside my own faculty. i'm going to read philosophy and start teaching myself to care about things again, beyond how many pounds i weigh or how well i can punctuate.
furthermore, i'm going to try to remember how to be funny.
i feel at last that i'm growing up. i've even come some way to getting there, even if the rest of it takes me ten years or longer.
if you want me, i'll be at
a_fine_romantic. please add me!