Yeah me to.I wasmaking graphics yesterday as i told you and when I was making one for my userinfo header, I thought of the lively colors and was like ohh yeah i want that.
Oh no it was the miyavi layout the pink one where his hair was like blondish brown and he look really girl.
Well actually just code it. XD I'm not that good yet, that's why I'm making a graphic slash fanfic journal. I just got to learn how to do that tag thing so I can put it on the side bar and it won't be hard to navigate the location of the graphics or fanfic.
In my side bar the fanfic slash yeah link. After I'm done with the layout for my graphics journal I'll change the layout for this one. I just don't know which layout to use casue theres alot that's soo cute.
I don't remember you having a miyavi layout I'm really late, or slow, which ever.
Coding looks so confusing to me, but you have a problem with the header,no? So your making more the one LJ. Oh~ Yeha I think a sidebar is convient, I like that this layout has one.
Oh I see it. I like the color of the text, soft color. Pretty. And that LJ is lucky_me_noodle. That's what I first knew you by. I have a hard time finding layouts of anime and jpop and stuff. I feels to me that not many people make them. BUt I guess I was wrong.
Yeah the header keeps going outof line with the entries which annoys me.
yup. But that won't be it. I'll just let you see it when I'm done it's going to be hyde. ^^ Even though I don't listen to L'arc and only like some songs from hyde I'm not a fan but i though he look cute and i like it. ^^
For my personal lj it's going to be XXXHolic. Yeah 'cause that's me. ^^ Well that was my first lj then i change my name and deleted that account and decided to activate it agian.
A HYDE layout! I wanna see that. Yeah HYDE's a good looking guy, I think all of L'Arc are good looking, but I'm not really crazy about their looks there music and feel is what I love about them.
I still want to watch XXXHolic anime. I saw half of the first episode. The art is pretty, but I just laugh at how tall the people are and their long, but nonetheless, it's stunning.
Yeah. They are just plain but then agian they arn't visual or osharei kei or anything...
yeah it's just irritating me now. If you wanna see how it kinda looks you can check but i'm getting annoyed. XD This always happens when I'm doing the coding so hey... It's not finish it'll take me long to finish. -_-;
I read the manga 'cause my friend told me to she said she reminds me of Yuko. I read it then I got bored of it. then she keeps calling me yuko telling everyone then I wanted to see if theres a resemblance. and haha. yuxp but i like the art also. and I started reading it and i kind of like it now. ^^
L'Arc, they used to do indie and stuff, looking like girls, but they changed big time.
That sucks, just don't break anything(from irritation). I'll check it out now. Well on the time it will take, stay calm and do your best.
Oh~ I remember you told me that. Your friends are always calling you something, like a nickname or something. I think I want to read it, but I'm more interesting in seeing the anime. The preview I saw was funny.
ahh it's sooo cute.. I love it. the colors makes me jump... ^^
I really like the colors of it, very pretty.
I wanna know how to keep to FOB at the top like that. Or does it have to be included in the layout.
Well I'm gonna start it now.. ^^
I'm just gonna make a layout for it so if you wanna see it you can click the links in my sidebar. ^^ Yahhh!!!!
Oh it's simply on the time date change 2006 to 2020 or something like that.
So your gonna make a layout, man that's cool. Good luck with that, and I can't wait to see how it turns out.
It's that part that say preview?
Oh okay I'll try that.
Well actually just code it. XD I'm not that good yet, that's why I'm making a graphic slash fanfic journal. I just got to learn how to do that tag thing so I can put it on the side bar and it won't be hard to navigate the location of the graphics or fanfic.
In my side bar the fanfic slash yeah link. After I'm done with the layout for my graphics journal I'll change the layout for this one. I just don't know which layout to use casue theres alot that's soo cute.
Coding looks so confusing to me, but you have a problem with the header,no? So your making more the one LJ. Oh~ Yeha I think a sidebar is convient, I like that this layout has one.
Oh I see it. I like the color of the text, soft color. Pretty. And that LJ is lucky_me_noodle. That's what I first knew you by. I have a hard time finding layouts of anime and jpop and stuff. I feels to me that not many people make them. BUt I guess I was wrong.
Yeah the header keeps going outof line with the entries which annoys me.
yup. But that won't be it. I'll just let you see it when I'm done it's going to be hyde. ^^ Even though I don't listen to L'arc and only like some songs from hyde I'm not a fan but i though he look cute and i like it. ^^
For my personal lj it's going to be XXXHolic.
Yeah 'cause that's me. ^^ Well that was my first lj then i change my name and deleted that account and decided to activate it agian.
I still want to watch XXXHolic anime. I saw half of the first episode. The art is pretty, but I just laugh at how tall the people are and their long, but nonetheless, it's stunning.
yeah it's just irritating me now. If you wanna see how it kinda looks you can check but i'm getting annoyed. XD This always happens when I'm doing the coding so hey... It's not finish it'll take me long to finish. -_-;
I read the manga 'cause my friend told me to she said she reminds me of Yuko. I read it then I got bored of it. then she keeps calling me yuko telling everyone then I wanted to see if theres a resemblance. and haha. yuxp but i like the art also. and I started reading it and i kind of like it now. ^^
That sucks, just don't break anything(from irritation). I'll check it out now. Well on the time it will take, stay calm and do your best.
Oh~ I remember you told me that. Your friends are always calling you something, like a nickname or something. I think I want to read it, but I'm more interesting in seeing the anime. The preview I saw was funny.
really.. I want to watch some hentai.
You don't have any in your laptop right? How do you watch hentai normally?
Maybe I'll try youtube.
But you'll probably have to make an account, if you havent already. I'll probably be fallged, since its hentai. Gotta be 18 and up.
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