SO i called Baker's Square and talked to the manager to see if he had made any decisions. none yet. :-( boo. hopefully when he does decided he picks me. I called Quizno's Subs... the manager said he's hiring so i'mon my way out to go turn in yet another application!
~Then TIff tiff and i are gonna go roll through the malland do some more job hunting. finding a job is notttt easy. but now i'm off. wish me luck.
i'm gonna edit this later and put some pix. so anonymous doesn't get too bored. lol.
__backstage at Talent Show Previews__
Kira and i
Daria and i
__my aunt's Animals__
2 of 6 horses
chickennns! (no she doesn't eat them!)
__a lil concieded about muh lips :-*__
__no subject__
i look just like my mommy here
__$5.99 my new shades FOOO!_
I really think i am gonna get that job at Quizno's. THe owner told me to expect a call soon. ohh yeaaa.
+i went shopping at Aarvark's Odd Ark (vintage thrift shop) last night with my Daddy. lol! it was soooo fun! we tried on al these crazy clothes.
My daddy got the CUTEST Sailor boy shirt. lol. i got a gRIP of stuff. We spent like 100 bucks. He called me and said he wants to go bak today. Holla.
p.s. I"m waiting for ur comment AnOnYmOuS KeEp Em CoMiN!!!